Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Project 1

Video- 4/5 - 4/11
1. Students will review and evaluate their first video projects

Goal: Students will create a 20 second video entitled WHAT IS BHS?

1. The class will divide itself into 2 groups
2. Students will brainstorm ideas for the project
3. Students will create an overview paragraph
4. Students will create a script stating what and who they will be filming
5. Students will make a list of all filming locations
6. Students must use the following elements:
A. 1 video effect B. Title C. Fade in/ Fade out (Transitions are optional)

7. Music is optional (There will be several choices in the tvstudio folder under j1music)

8. The video must be exported as BHS in a folder named BHS
**Make a new folder for this project

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced


Anonymous said...

Laura Davis
Journalism 2
Period 5

I started my final exam by adding some titles and scanning all of my baby pictures on my computer. The titles each have movement, music, and style. The title for the "Growing up with my family" is called "The Davis Bunch” because I have many brothers and sisters kind of like the Brady Bunch. I also put in part of the theme song to the Brady Bunch as the music. I have to think of cool titles for my other two sections of my life which will be Friends and High School. High School is a separate section of my life because there is so much that happened in my High School career that it had to be a section on its own.

Anonymous said...

Whitley Culver
Journalism 2
Period 5

I started my final exam by sorting threw many of my home video and photos which I plan to scan soon. My concept is the three attributes to the persuit of happiness: Live, laugh, love. Live will consist of wild experience I've had in my life and school. Love will have all to do with my family and a list of my favorite things. Lastly laugh will be centered around my firends.I have begun working on titles, and really making them awesome with graphics.

Anonymous said...

Kiana K.
J2 Pd.5

I have started my Final by setting up the opening (Universal Countdown) and ending (Bars and Tones). I have made eight titles so far.I named them Bella (dog), Crazy, Dad, Family, Friends, Mom, Um?, and me. I'll put them all in later after I upload footage to my flip to bring in.

Anonymous said...

Travis Slusser
Journalism 2
Period 5

Over the week I filmed my voice overs. I have one voice over for each section of my video. I also gathered pictures for my friends section. I have created a folder for all the music I am going to have in my video.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Steeber
Journalism 2
Period 5

I started my final project by making some of my titles. I got most of the music I need for it. I just brought in some pictures and videos for my sports section in my final.

Anonymous said...

Laura Davis
Journalism 2
Period 5
May 6

This week I made some more titles for my video. I made four more titles for friends, family, and high school life. I made finalizations on the videos from last week also. I organized my sections and found out what I’m going to put in each group. I made most of my titles for my video. I added music to all of them and made them timed to fit with the pictures. I also made my opening graphic.

Anonymous said...

Gary Eckart
Journalism 2
Period 5

Today I began putting together titles and putting different fonts to my titles. I was looking for different music that I can add into my screens. I'm going to have different places to put different things like my high school career, and my vacations, and my friends, and different things like that.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Andress
Peroid 5

I decided to split my exam into three seperate projects and then to combine them in the end. My three sections are swimming, friends and family. I have finished uploading all of my pictures, titles and music for each section. The only thing I have left to do it add my video. Then I will be finished.

Anonymous said...

Mollie Hamblen
Journalism 2
Period 5

I've started my final project by putting in titles, music, and pictures. My titles are "All About Mollie", "Family", "Friends", "Music". The music I have put in so far is "That's Who I Am" and "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away". I am going to put in more music for each section. I have to put in effects still and all my video. I have all of my pictures put in for each section.

Anonymous said...

Kenzie Goulstone
Journalism 2
Period 5

So far on my final exam i have all my titles made and almost all the pictures i need. I have to get more music to go with my pictures and videos, and i need to convert more videos.

Anonymous said...

Steven Matyas
Journalism 2
Period 5
May 9

I started the all about me final exam last week. I have made all my titles. I have one video for the project in it and started. My three topics are family friends and my childhood. I still need music for the project other than that all set.

Anonymous said...

i have started my final project by making some titles and getting music and pictures. i havn't picked videos yet

Anonymous said...

Brittany Dodson
Journalism 2
Period 5
I started my final with making all of my titles, and lower-third. It took me a while to come up with a "theme" for the about me video as a whole, but I think (though I am not positive) I will be going with "Crazy Beautiful Life," which is also a song by Ke$ha (theme music.) After my titles and lower-thirds were complete, I decided on a couple of the songs I would put into my video by genre. The three sections of the video are: family, friends, and hobbies. Family meaning my intermidiate family that I live with, friends that I hangout with, and hobbies such as academics/extra-curriculars/and pretty much anything else that I like doing. Most of my video I will be using is exported, and ready to be set on the timeline, and I'm still figuring out all the pictures I will intend to use. My -cuts- between video, will be using fading and cross dissolving.

Anonymous said...

Erica Robbins
Journalism 2
Period 5

I started my final exam by importing/converting my footage of when I was small. Following that I researched and downloaded possible music choices to be used within my Exam. After, I went through and edited the music choices so that they were under 29 sec. Then I found pictures, videos, and music which let me complete my little brother's section of my final.

Anonymous said...

Logan Czajkowski
Journalism 2
period 5

i have started my final project by making some titles and getting music and pictures. i havn't picked videos yet

Anonymous said...

I started my final project by making titles and putting them on the Adobe 6.5 track!
I have three different chapters in my movie- Family, Friends, Perkie Photography!
I'm so glad that I get the chance to share my life and my love of photography!

Anonymous said...

J2 pd5

As of now, I have pictures scanned in for all 3 sections of my project. My sections are music, skating, my artwork, and possibly a childhood section. I'm using recordings of my band as the music and I have footage of the skatepark and band practice on my camera at home and just need to import that. I'm using the instrumental version of our songs, so there are no lyrics to approve.. I will have both picture and video for music and the skating, childhood and artwork will be pictures only.

Anonymous said...

Bethanna Perkins
Journalism 2
Period 5
I started my final project by making titles and putting them on the Adobe 6.5 track!
I have three different chapters in my movie- Family, Friends, Perkie Photography!
I'm so glad that I get the chance to share my life and my love of photography!

Anonymous said...

Emily Bower
Journalism 2

I started my final exam "all about me" project by making an all about me title. i made it look like a CD, and the name all about me spins like the CD is playing. then i put music behing the title. Then i made a friends title. all the letters of the word "friends" pop up individually, then disappear. the song "true friend" is playing behind the title. after that title i have some pictures of me and my friends. i still have to time them to the music i have behind them. to finish the project, i have to put in videos of my friends, get baby picture and video of myself, and picture and video of my last family vacation. theni will be finished with my all about me project.

Anonymous said...

Katie Scopelliti

Anonymous said...

Morgan Vanatta
Period 5
I have been working on my final "All About Me" project every chance i get. To begin my project, i uploaded tons of pictures of my family, friends, and myself. I came up with an order in which i will show my photos, video, and audio. For my subjects i have decided to use Friends, Family, and Friday Nights. My friday nights part will include photo and video footage from my weekends, while friends and family are obvioulsy random photos of my family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Katie Scopelliti
Journalism 2
Period 5
I've been diligently working on my "All About Me" project. Dispite the fact that I thought it was going to be an easy project, I've been working super hard and have seperated my video in to three sections; my friends, my family, and memorable moments. I can't wait to see it all done!

Anonymous said...

Laura Davis
Journalism 2
Period 5

I finished my opening graphic completely. It starts out as "All About Laura" but then Laura changes into "a.k.a Dunner" which is my nickname. Then it starts out into the Family section. I also made more titles for the other sections of my life.