Monday, May 18, 2020

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change Webinar:  

Adapting journalism/ publications in a world dealing with cultural change
Our culture is continually changing, it has been for years.  How do we butild a bridge to create better publications/ videos?  

We need to work as a team

I. Where to begin:
A. Get curious - Ask questions/ formulate new ideas/ opinions
     1. What are you trying to solve
     2. How can we accomplish our goals?
B. Share your ideas
C. Work with your team and come up with solutions
D. Teach others how to carry out your plan/ adapt
F. Successful solutions with video and publications involve a team

II.  Figure out your audience
A. Target Group
B. What are their needs?  (Local news, School events, More Pictures, Easier access to your video/ publication?

III. Go Fish
A. Central Executive Mode (Brain is figuring things out, like taxes or homework)
B. Mind Wandering Mode (Brain is taking in information and processing during your down time.  The Brain sorts information/ ideas learned. It is the time when you just have time to think)  Your AH HA moment.
C.Process thoughts and build insights.
D. You need to take time to process your ideas

IV.  Accept Reality and Believe That the Solution Exists
1. Find answers
2. Learn something new
3. Talk to your team/ others

HOMEWORK:  (Due for next week's class)
1.Click on the link and review the webinar.
2.Answer the following questions.  (We need to work as a team and find solutions to creating successful publications/ videos/ media)

1.How do we lead  our publications in a change-oriented way? What type of content do we need to focus on for each of our types of school media?  (List three ideas for content changes that we can include in each of the publications listed below)

Student Times- The newspaper
Horizons- The Yearbook
BASH TV- The television station

2. Going into next school year, what needs to change in each publication to fully reach our audiences?
(List each publication above, and give three ideas how we can adapt to better serve our student body)

3. List three general thoughts about the future of our publications.  What do you think we need to do to make them successful?

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