Thursday, April 02, 2020

All About Me Project

Project 1:  Please continue to work on your Positive New Article Assignment (Click on this link:

Project 2:
(Due Dates: At this time, I would like the planning sheets by Thursday, 4/9/2020.
Once I approve it, you may begin writing captions and gathering pics.  We will have several weeks to work on this project)

Since we have time, I would like you to begin the following project:  It's Always Nice to Create Memories.

I. Read the directions and fill out the planning sheet below: Please turn your planning sheets in to  or email them to me at before you begin.  I need to approve all planning sheets)

1. Students will create an Adobe PowerPoint  entitled "All About Me"  where you can showcase 3 chapters/ favorite parts of your lives.(You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

You will be featuring three chapters of your life.
EXAMPLE: Main title:  All About Mrs. Theresa Christian
3 Chapters/ Subsections: A. My Family
                                           B. My Friends
                                           C. My Dog Velcro

(You may use any subsection/ chapter as long as it is Mrs. Christian rated.  

Possible Topic Ideas:  My Freshman Year;  This Year; Growing Up; My Baby Pics;  When I was younger:  Elementary school; My hobbies; ME; My best selfies; My favorite way to spend time; My favorite foods; The way I spend my days; My pets; the possibilities are endless)

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the PowerPoint
3. Titles and captions are required throughout the project 
4. Students should create a minimum of 17 slides that should include:
- 1 Main title slide with your name and any other fun facts about you
- 3 Subsection/ chapter title slides which indicate each aspect of your life you want to share
            -After each subtitle/ chapter, include 4 slides with pictures and captions.
            -All subtitle
.-4 Pictures after each Subsection / Chapters must include pics and captions

- 1 Closing slide
*The closing slide must conclude your project.  You should write a short statement that sums up this project.  (A short concluding paragraph).


***GOAL:  to organize, gather, and caption pictures/ memories.

Project Planning Sheet for your 17 slides:

A. NAME:_______________________________________

B. Overall Theme: "All About _______________________________

C. Subsection I Topic:__________________________

     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

D. Subsection 2 Topic:__________________________
     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

E. Subsection I Topic:__________________________
     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

F. Concluding paragraph:   ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

G. Questions or concerns:

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