Tuesday, February 28, 2017

80s Music Video

80's music video

80's video

Bell Ringer:
Students will have a brainstorming session before each LIVE production
-Students will discuss plans and expectations for each production

Goal: Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills
Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.
Students will create alternate graphics for a special segment
Students will brainstorm, plan and implement ideas for a new segment

Students will stop, view and critique their work through each phase of production
Teacher/ Students will brainstorm before and after production; Students/ teacher will evaluate each production and assess progress/ direction
Peer evaluations
Informal Teacher- Student conferences
Teacher will grade projects and productions

Students will practice script implementation, studio equipment, placement, angles, movement, cues, cuts, audio, video,

Studio procedure:

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:45 and conduct a pre-production meeting.
Students will brainstorm and plan for the daily production.(Students will incorporate camera movements and angles from the current lesson.)

2. Students will begin actual production at 7:50

3. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

4. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)
- This week, students will BRAINSTORM, PLAN, ORGANIZE, WRITE AND PRODUCE an original 80's music video


A. Students will produce an 80's music video

B. Students and teacher will review ideas and select the most workable/ viewable

C. Students may work in groups

D. Students will implement segment ideas

Specifics include:

Finalized planning sheets, formal scripts and camera sheets must be completed prior to filming.

1. The class will be divided in half
2. Each group will be assigned a JA as an executive producer
3. The class will watch a collection of music videos and study the basic elements behind the 80's music video
4. Each group will brainstorm song titles and ideas/ concepts for their group projects
5. JA's will assign positions
6. Each student will receive a performance check

Before a script can be submitted, the following work must be turned in to Mrs. Christian:
A. Paragraph
B. Story boards
C. Song/ lyrics
D. Position lists - 
- Students will have until  to complete filming -12/9 is recommended for all taping.  Remember, you have to edit
 Friday)- Students MUST complete all editing and export

**We will watch videos on Monday, - At that time students will be told what needs to be corrected. 
***All corrections must be made by Tuesday, 

A. No sloppy edits
B. Catchy Titles
C. 1 second of black before your project
D. Must fade in and out
E. Clear audio
F. 4 Elements from the 80's
G. One type of transition
H. 80's music titles in beginning and end
I. Must use 2 tutorials: Quad pip, snow, mist, ping pong, lips through, stop and glow, transport or sparkle.
J. Must use keyframes in 1 title and 1 video effect 
***All of these lelements must be indicated on script and will be worth a minimum of 10 points each.

Students will stop, view and critique their work through each phase of production
Teacher/ Students will brainstorm before and after production; Students/ teacher will evaluate each production and assess progress/ direction
Peer evaluations Other projects to be completed: More packages: Plan for week-in guests; Special messages.

Closure Activity:
Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
What areas have improved? What areas need to be improved?

Informal Teacher- Student conferences
Teacher will grade projects and productions

Standard –
1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.
1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Video Resume

Bell Ringer: Wednesday- Friday

Students will participate in a review of various Adobe Elements

Friday- Monday: Students will discuss their most important qualities and peer evaluate ideas

Friday- Peer evaluate before export
Objective: To introduce students to basic script writing, production planning and organization.
Students will be able to utilize enhancement video and audio software

A. Students will incorporate key frames and Sound Forge into their project:

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a paragraph and script
3. Students will create a script using the format discussed in class on Friday
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick two selections of music for the video and print out lyrics...straight music usually works better

Project: Video Resume - This will be a creative introduction that will allow the viewer to experience YOU
I am _____?
1. Students will video and edit one 15 second scene
2. Students will create a video entitled: I am ______ (fill in your name)

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

What should be included in this project:
-Your objective or who are you (Something you would want a college or employer to know)
-Educational Highlights
-Community Service
-What makes you unique?
-Special Talents
-Closing statement

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

1. Must use a title keyframe
2. Timing tutorial must be incorporated (We want your photos and footage to correspond to your music.

Friday, 2/3
Students will brainstorm ideas and create a paragraph with ideas for a storyboard;

Monday, 2/6
Students will create storyboards, select music and meet with Mrs. Christian
Once approved, students will create initial scripts (Homework)
**Your script and paragraph MUST be saved in a folder called VIDEO RESUME

Tuesday, 2/7 - Begin filming Intro statement for video resume / Mark for importing
Wednesday, 2/8- Edit video resume footage
Thursday, 2/9-Export final /statements - Export into VIDEO RESUME FOLDER

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Advertising Projects


Advertising Project:Read Chapter 12: Objectives and Strategies for Public Relations Writing.(pgs 265 -275)

Chapter Review
I. Read and discuss the chapter.
A. Each student should have a detailed answers by completing the chapter 12 packet. Students may use ebooks. 

Answers should include Section Headings, Subtopics, Key terms and Definitions.
(The packet will be turned in for a 100 point grade. Each section will be checked)

Ad Reviews
II. Discuss popular advertising campaigns....tv commercials, magazine and newspaper ads, billboards and radio ads.

A. Each student must write a page about a specific ad campaign. The company must be in accordance with school policy.
1. Discuss the ad (SLOGANS, LOGOS, PURPOSE)
2. Discuss the gender and age group targeted
3. Discuss the Publics, Markets and Audiences
4. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or Why not?
5 Discuss colors in the ads. How do they accent/ highlight the product?
6. Discuss the placement of the ads (Where they appear, When they appear, How they appear)
7. Evaluate the marketing campaign. Discuss the pros and cons of the campaign.
8. Bring in a sample of the ad campaign: tape a commercial, cut out a magazine ad for your product or find info. on the product with visuals from the Internet.
9. Each person will present their advertisement findings to the class. The class will discuss each campaign.

The paper is worth 100 points
The visual is worth 25 points
Knowledge of product/ campaign (Presentation) - 50 points



Group Project

1. Students will work in groups of 2-3

1. Create a Company and a Product to advertise
2. Create a company logo
3. Create a slogan for your product
4. Discuss Marketing Ideas (How will you get your product to the people, What type of campaign will you use, Why is your company the best one to promote this product)
-To accomplish this, you must research similar companies and products on the Internet. Study their campaigns, company policies etc.)

Group Advertising / PR Project

I. Submit a paper indicating your group members
Name your advertising firm
Create a logo for your ad firm

II. Marketing
-You are going to market and advertise a product, service or message
Select a “product / subject” for your project
Create a formal presentation
Using charts and graphs
A. Depict a market and a public
B. Indicate your target audience
C. Indicate how your marketing plan will 

increase sales/ public interest
D. Indicate demographic regions for advertising 

your product
E. Convince the class that you would be the best 
firm to sell this product/ idea

Finding Publics
Conduct Surveys
Oral Polls
Write Objectives (Awareness…etc) (in book)
Responsible for collecting and analyzing all data
Put information on posters and present to the class
Find Geographical areas to be covered
And demographic
Gender, location, Age etc.
Find target audience

III. Advertising
Tell the class your concept for the three ads you will produce
Display story boards……..The class must be able to view your story boards from their seats
Discuss the content of your ad

Create three ads
Two 15 second commercials
One 30 second commercial

-Brainstorm 10 concepts for advertising plan
10 different scenarios and write them down
pick three plans that are most marketable and establish details
make brochures and fliers and radio add (first plans)
describe plans
create story boards for each commercial
pick and vote on top plan

IV. Rules:Do not produce garbage
Short fragments and sentences will not be accepted

V. Grading

The groups will be graded by the class
Each section of the project will receive a grade
All requirements must be met by the assigned deadlines
Have Fun!!