Tuesday, December 13, 2016

New Lunch graphics

Today we are going to make lunch and breakfast graphics

10 points each
**Make a folder entitled "LUNCH" & Save all work in this folder
***Have an "Export" folder and save each export as its name:

1. Find a pic of your food
2. Save as a JPG
3. Bring it into Adobe
4. Using keyframes-
    A. Drop your pic on the timeline
    B. Fade in from 0 and fade out to 0
    C. In the center put 2 keyframes at 100
(0, 100, 100, 0)
    D. Each graphic should be six seconds
    E. The first and last fade should be set at 1 second

Lunch items
Group 1- Emily
Pizza (Cheese/ slice)
Chicken Sandwich  (breaded chicken)
Meatballs (No Noodles) Just plain meatballs
soft beef tacos
Chicken Cheese steak

Cinnamon Bun
Breakfast Pizza
Bowl of Cereal
Toast and juice
Chicken nuggets
Buffalo chicken nuggets

Group 2 - Lys
Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Fish sandwich (fried fish)
Turkey with gravy and mashed potatoes (our cafe serves it on one slice of bread)
Salisbury Steak
Hoagies (Italian)

Pancake sausage wrap
French toast
French toast sticks
Corn Dog
Ham BBQ sandwich

Group 3-Emmet
Walking Taco
Sweet and spicy chicken bowl
Sweet and sour chicken bowl
Orange chicken over rice
Baked chicken

Sausage egg and cheese muffin
Cheese Danish
Cherry Danish
Blueberry Danish
Eggs and Bacon (sunny side up eggs)

Group 4 - Liv
Mac and cheese
Mac and cheese bites
Egg/ cheese and ham muffin sandwich

Eggs and Bacon (Scrambled eggs
Cheese omelet
Assorted Cereal
Bagel and cream cheese
Bagel, egg and cheese sandwich
Bowl of oatmeal

Group 5- Hailey
Sweet and sour pork over rice
Fried rice
Beef and cheese nachos
Supreme nacho plate
Soft chicken tacos

yogurt parfait
Hash browns
Scrambled eggs, sausage patty and hashbrowns
Toast and egg sandwich
Glass of milk and mini muffins
Fruit bowl

Group 6- Hope
Teriyaki Chicken over rice
Spaghetti with meat sauce
Spaghetti with meatballs
Sloppy Joe Sandwich
pierogi pizza

Hash brown casserole
garlic breadsticks and marinara sauce
Breakfast pizza
Breakfast burrito
Breakfast taco
Breakfast nachos

Group 7- Kenadi
Pepperoni pizza (Slice)
Broccoli cheese noodle casserole
Broccoli rice casserole
tuna Sandwich

Western Omelet
Chicken fingers
cheese ravioli
French bread pizza
Hamburg goulash

Group 8 - Britt
tuna Casserole
grilled Cheese
Tomato Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup
Chicken Fajitas

Meatball hoagie
Hotdog on bun
Pasta bake
ziti and meatballs
Taco bowl
Baked potato with fixin's

Monday, November 07, 2016

News Packages

News Package Assignment 2
Bell Ringer:
Watch a daily news package and ANSWER the following questions:
1. What is the main point in this package?
2. How did the reporter begin and end?
3. Were there varying shots?


Goal: Students will create timely news packages
Students will produce all aspects of the project
1. All planning sheets must be turned in for a grade by Wednesday, 11/9.....I will put zeros in my gradebook
2. Filming and importing- Monday,
3.Editing must be completed by
4. Grading- 11/16.....no exceptions

11/16- All news package #1 project must be finalized
**Since several of you have finished early, I am posting the next assignment

1. Students are to produce a news package.

2. The topic of the package must be relevant after the taping and submission date (EX. don't work on a package that will "be old news" by the time it airs)

**Students are reminded to turn in their check list when the project is completed




2. Angle: (What EXACT point do you hope to accomplish?)





7. Ideas for background video:

8. Overview footage Ideas for Voice overs:
8 B. Walk through: Place, script, and footage
9. SCRIPT: Be sure to include your paragraph in your final packet

Closure: Each day students will evaluate/ peer evaluate their work

Project 2: Contest

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Title practice/ quiz

Key Frames Titles and Key frames

Goal: Students will be able to use and incorporate key frames into their productions

Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production

Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects

Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro / 6.5 Students will review basic editing skills/ techniques for the first project

Thursday, 9/22 Teacher will review basic editing and key frames and allow students to begin their quiz

Friday, : Begin Video Quiz - Due on Friday, 9/23

1. Students will log on and go to the TV studio.

2. Create a new Adobe Project : Place it in a folder called: Key frame Quiz 1

(Make this folder in YOUR folder.)

3. Save your Save your project in this new folder

4. Create a colorful background
     NOTE: the background should be placed on video line 1
                 The name will be a separate title and placed on video line 2

5. Using your name, Create a new title

6. Make it a new color

7. Using key frames

A. Make your title spread and grow twice it's size

B. This will occur in the middle of your project

C. Your title will remain in it's original size at the beginning and end of the video

D. Your video must pause in the middle (Use two key frames in the center to accomplish this.

E. Your title must fade in and fade out

F. Export your completed project to your new folder and call it "Final Quiz 1"

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evevaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Intro to video editing

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.

Students will discuss the following planning and technique tips

Students will choreograph a project
Sutdents will act out and block their first productions
They will have one take to film their project



PLAN -If you plan your shots in advance you'll get your shots more quickly. Directors of big budget films frequently create tight drawing called storyboards of every single shot in their movie before they every start a camera, a process that could take months. However, I will settle for doodles of each shot and camera angle/ change.

Plan...but be ready to improvise, too. It's like singing a song. You don't need to know the whole thing, but don't start without knowing what the tune and first verse are.


A good video trick is a short video trick. If your idea takes more that a page to describe, it's probably too long.


You must be believable. If seven books fall on your foot, react in pain. It is essential that your audience believe what your are doing on film.

(Hideous acting can be great only if it is incredibly bad!!)

Basic elements:

Coordinating a scene is very much like choreographing a dance move. All participants must rehearse...this includes the production staff.

Establish your shot- Give the audience a big first view so they understand the context of your production. Capture the entire set/ background/ scene.

Camera Angles- see worksheet

The 180 rule- When you are shooting a character, stay to one side of them. If you are filming the right side, do not switch to the left. This will leave your shot awkward and unbalanced.

Eye line match-This is two or more shots. Show your character looking something or pointing to it. Hold this shot for a few seconds, then cut to what they are looking at. Be sure that the second shot is shot from his/ her eye level and angle.

Over the shoulder shots- switch back and forth between your subjects

Action shots- Mike stands on a bench, looks down and jumps. As he begins to jump, cut to a different view.

The Dolly shot- move with your subject. Sometimes it is easier to roll with your subject.

**Storyboards are required and MUST match up to your video. You will only receive 50% of your grade if you cannot provide this element of planning.

Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects

Sample Video: www.klutz.com/tv


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters take a few choreographed movements with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

EX: ""ll start with one jab. You duck. Then you do two jabs , and I'll duck. Next,...)

The sound effect person must practice too.

Directions for shots:
A. In the middle of a coordinated shot, stop the camera and switch to a new point of view, over the shoulder. This way you can use the momentum of the action to carry through the cut. It keeps the action moving)

B. The big trick. Shoot over the shoulder . If the camera man backs away and zooms in, you'll create an illusion that the characters are much closer than they really are.

C. Camera will be in full zoom 5 to 6 feet away from the subject

Placement: In a choreographed scene:
-The actors are always too far apart to actually reach each other. On top of which, everybody knows what is going to happen next...it's practice!

Add sound effects and let's get started!!!!!

Closure Activity:
Each Day - You will write a few sentences discussing your progress/ problems or concerns

1.2.11.B-Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.5.11.B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic 1.5.11.C- Write with controlled and/ or subtle organization

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Scripts and storyboards

Writing Scripts
Objective: Students will learn to organize and create a script for a video project

1. Overview paragraph- Each student will turn in a paragraph describing the overall concept for their first video project.

-The project will be two 10 second videos that contain the exact same footang
-HOWEVER, each video will be set to two different musical selections (Music that depicts two very different moods)
-The music must be suitable for the concept and naturally fit with the video

2. Students will review camera angles
3. Students will review all of the elements included in a simple video production
4. Next, the students will create storyboards and discuss script format
5. Students will be introduced to script writing

Once we are finished. Students will begin to brainstorm ideas for their project. Also, they will print the lyrics for each song to be used in the project.

*Remember all taping must take place in THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: the lab, the hall outside of the lab, in the cafe, outside, or in a study hall (With a teacher's written permission). Students violating this rule will face the following punishment:
1. Zero and no make up
2. Loss of filming privileges for the year


1.2.11.B-Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.5.11.B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic 1.5.11.C- Write with controlled and/ or subtle organization
Monday, August 30- Wednesday, Sept. 1
I. Students will continue to practice camera movement
Students will finish reading the packet
**Camera shot and studio info quiz on Tuesday

II. Creating a script
Objective: Students will learn to organize and create a script for a video project

1. Overview paragraph- Each student will turn in a paragraph describing the overall concept for their first video project.

-The project will be two 10 second videos that contain the exact same footage
-HOWEVER, each video will be set to two different musical selections (Music that depicts two very different moods)
-The music must be suitable for the concept and naturally fit with the video

2. Students will read the packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action
3. Students will review all of the elements included in a simple video production
4. Next, the students will create storyboards and discuss script format
5. Students will be introduced to script writing

Once we are finished. Students will begin to brainstorm ideas for their project. Also, they will print the lyrics for each song to be used in the project.

*Remember all taping must take place in THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: the lab, the hall outside of the lab, in the cafe, outside, or in a study hall (With a teacher's written permission). Students violating this rule will face the following punishment:
1. Zero and no make up
2. Loss of filming privileges for the year


Camera Direction/ Angles
Students will review camera direction, angles, transitions and key elements to planning a video project.

Students will review two handouts on camera direction/ angles
Students will discuss a packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Camera Angles

Camera Angle Worksheets

Shots, Angles and Movements....Oh My....

Opening Activity: 
In your journalism notebook, please comment on the following article: 

Crazy Interview Questions

Now answer several crazy interview questions in your notebook.  Please note that you will be writing as if you are giving a video response.  Do NOT go overboard or have long answers.

I will state the questions orally.

Review the following Link: and discuss any that you find confusing or discuss one that you find interesting and tell why.
Camera Shots

Journalism II 

Camera Angles/ Movement 
Students will identify important visual terms (such as long-shot, close-up, camera angle) that are used on television and in movies and begin to recognize that these angles/ movements affect meaning. 
Camera Direction/ Angles 
Students will review camera direction, angles, transitions and key elements  via worksheets plan a video project. 

Students will review two handouts on camera direction/ angles 
Students will discuss a packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action 

Why is it important for students to be aware of camera-subject distance, perhaps before addressing any other aspect of movies and television? 

Television is made up of hundreds and thousands of pictures, called shots, each of which must be carefully planned. The long shot, medium shot, and close-up (and many other camera-subject distances such as the medium long shot and extreme close-up) are the basis of editing in movies and on television. 

Without these shots, the person who edits the movie, TV show, or commercial would have nothing to work with. Editing, in nearly all cases, is the combining of long shots, medium shots, and close-ups to create an effective visual presentation. Camera-subject distance is the basis for visual editing. 

It is essential for students to have a clear understanding of camera-subject distance before they begin to analyze television programs and movies and before they begin to create their own productions on video. 


Link: http://www.mediaknowall.com/camangles.html 

Assessment: (Wednesday, 9/14) Students will be given a quiz on all of the terms and packet 

Closure Activity:  -What types of camera angles/ shots do you see in the Bell ringer photo?

9/7- write a quick scene using 3 camera movements and 2 angles

Please post your comments using the comment section on the blog. 
1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Welcome to Journalism II
Opening Activity:
Bell Ringer: In their notebooks, students will comment on a daily lesson posted on the student blog:
Please watch the following short clip. Describe what you see and how you see it.

This year we will explore the "behind the scenes" of videography.

There is more to a video than skinny models, hot rockers and flashes of color. This is an indepth process of planning, organizing and implementation that begins with a single thought. It is a process that starts with a storyboard and jumps to a full production.

During first marking period, we will cover the following areas:
Camera direction
Camera angle
Video terminology
Editing techniques

So, this is the beginning of what I like to refer to as
Lights, Camera, Action


Journalism II Syllabus
Video Editing 079

Contact Information
Instructor: Mrs. Christian
Email Address: tchristian@berwucjsd.org
Web Address: http://www.mycooljournalism2.blogspot.com/

Planning Period: Second Period

Text and Resource Materials
Required Text: Media, W. Richard Whitaker (Longman, 2000)

Course Description
This year students will explore the "behind the scenes" of video production

There is more to a video than skinny models, hot rockers and flashes of color. This is an in-depth process of planning, organizing and implementation that begins with a single thought. It is a process that starts with a storyboard and jumps to a full production.

Digital Video is a “new media” that has evolved from many disciplines. While it is a direct descendant from the world of industrial video making, digital video has incorporated DNA from traditional film-making, traditional and computer animation, web technology, computer gaming and art. Digital video allows us to blend all these technologies to form a new art form that is available to anyone with a computer, some software and inexpensive digital camera.

The fundamentals of visual storytelling are core to this hands-on production class. We will be studying the technology of video editing on the computer, various methods of image acquisition and approaches for communicating ideas over linear time. Themes may incorporate short character studies, transformations of light and form, movement of people and objects and spatial composition of a moving image.

Students will be able to use either computer graphics, animation, still images or video production for most assignments. Original digital music, production music and sync sound are considered as a means to underscoring visual sequences.

Prerequisites As stated in the Enrollment Book

PA Academic Standards
1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• By the end of the course, each participate will understand the impact visual literacy has on the learning process and will be able to produce, instruct, and integrate digital media into their curriculum and share via computer programs and the Internet.
• Discuss and apply foundation concepts in non-linear video modification, film direction, and digital sound editing.
• Develop a basic proficiency with the tools and techniques available in standard digital video editing programs.
• Shoot, capture, edit, and output short video projects, organizing the material and modifying it into a coherent sequence.
• Identify elements of multiple media used in journalistic storytelling.
• Critically evaluate professional journalistic multimedia packages.
• Produce video story packages.
• Combine audio and still photographs to produce audio slideshows.
• Demonstrate understanding of characteristics of online journalistic storytelling.
• Set up short video projects and shoot them using a variety of appropriate camera angles, shots, and framing.
• Apply a variety of techniques for establishing or breaking continuity in a video sequence.
• Edit a video sequence to synchronize it to a musical soundtrack or dialogue.
• Apply a variety of techniques compressing for expanding the perception of time in a video sequence.
• Apply basic techniques for mixing a soundtrack incorporating the human voice, ambient noise, sound effects, and music.
• Add basic titles to a digital video, do basic production checks, and output it in common video formats for DVD or the Web.
• Students will learn to work as individuals as well as in groups
• Students will learn how to create a college-level presentation
• Students will manipulate various types of media

Course Outline
**Throughout the year, student will continually participate in tutorial-based video technique assignments. They will also continue to produce video projects.

Marking Period One: Students will be introduced to the basic elements of video production
• Camera direction
Camera angle
Video terminology
Editing techniques
• Camera angles

Marking Period Two: Students will be able to add extension elements to enhance their video productions
• Work with the Browser and Bins tools in Adobe Premiere to
• Mark clips and use Insert and Overwrite edits.
• Trim Edit points to adjust length of clips
• Use Extension tools to extend edit points
• Use the marker tools to adjust edit points.
• Create and incorporate basic titles
• Utilize and implement key frames
• Import, convert, and edit music

Marking Period Three: Students will explore abstract compositions exploring texture, composition, light, and other formal or spatial elements
• Utilize timing techniques
• Advanced camera angles/ movements
• Incorporate natural elements into their compositions
• Utilize and incorporate video manipulation
• Explore and incorporate programs to advance video editing techniques

Marking Period Four: Students will combine all of their skills and create and develop a full length feature production to be used as the final exam
• Incorporate various mediums
• Learn and utilize advanced special effects: Boris, ULead,
• Organize a full length project / presentation
Assessments: Several forms of assessment will be utilized throughout the year:
• Small groups; class discussion; teacher conferences; tests; quizzes; peer evaluations; self evaluations; teacher evaluations; rubrics and score sheets.

Grading Policy and Procedures:
Grades for each evaluation will be based on points, not percentages. At the conclusion of a marking period, the total number of points earned will be divided by the total number of possible points to determine the student`s percentage and report card grade.
Homework will occasionally be given and graded. There will occasional opportunities offered to all students to earn extra credit.
Hands-on methods of digital movie making constitute the basis for assignments. Digital Video Cameras, 3-D computer graphics and 2D packages such as Photoshop and Flash and programs specified for digital video production will be the primary technologies used. Digital editing will be accomplished using Window Movie Maker and Adobe Premier. For your final project, you may use whatever media or application you prefer.
The assignments will help develop skills that accumulate towards the production of a short film by the end of the year. These include character based visual narratives, or explicit reconstructions of buildings and landscapes, or more abstract compositions exploring texture, composition, light, and other formal or spatial elements.
We screen live action short films, news packages, animation, and student work. Discussion of these works will be an integral part of the subject. There will be a few readings on film theory, design theory, and related topics.

Class Expectations:
-All assignments must be turned in on time
-You are responsible for meeting ALL deadlines. This is a journalism class. The success of this program is dependent on your contributions.
-All assignments will be graded.
(Partial homework or class work assignments will receive a "0" with no make-ups)
(You MUST learn to be responsible in this class!!)
-The final exam will be weighted.
Student expectations
1. Arrive on time.
2. Be prepared to learn. Bring books, pencils, paper, agenda, homework and anything you may need for class.
3. Be respectful of others.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Final exam

Final Exam
Project : Final Exam

(There will be "down" days where you will have little to do on your other project. You will need to set up a work schedule with me. EX: Work on Final Exam on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Work on individual project Mon and Fri.)

-You will need to select a schedule and sign a contract before the end of the week.
-Again, you will have video checks on Wednesdays.

1. Students are required to create a 3 minute (MIN.) video entitled "All About Me" (You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the video
3. 6 titles are required
4. Students must use 4 tutorials and 2 video effects.
5, Any transition combination may be used throughout the video
6. Any jumpy video segment or poor audio segment will result in a deduction of 10 points for each problem area.
7. Students will showcase three chapters of their lives.
8. Students may convert old videos, scan old photos (if you use photos, you must use the timing tutorial to assure that they go along with the video.)
9. Students are encouraged to record voice overs and utilize sound effects.

1. Students are required to turn in a working video log. This is like a script. You will outline each chapter and provide written details of any specifics that will be in the video. You will select audio and indicate song times....ex. 0:00-20 seconds. (Also, include highlighted lyrics for this section of the music)

2. Create your log in script form: Video/ audio/ details (Logs will be turned in every Friday)

3. Each chapter must have purpose

-The final exam must be exported before your final exam period ends.
-I will be in my classroom every day until 2:40 and I am here every Wednesday until 4:30
**You will need extra time, so please take advantage of this early start.
**We only have one scanner, you may scan at home and bring photos in on disc.
**Please see me before converting video that is not digital

*Free project must be exported into a folder entitled "FREE PROJECT"
**Final exam must be exported into a folder entitled "2011 FINAL"

Introduction / Overview of the Final Exam Project
(Must be completed before you begin the FINAL EXAM PROJECT)


1. Present your TIMELINE on the Smart Board
2. Point out any specifics…ex: How your titles create your theme, How you used something consecutively throughout your video
3. Discuss the chapters of your project: You must tell a little about each section
4. Describe the section you are going to present
5. After we watch this section, discuss problems or seek ideas for improvement

1. Theme:
a. Specific:
b. Specific:
c. Specific:

2. Chapters


3. Problems/ areas of advice needed:




CH. 1 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 2 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 3 THEME:__________________________________

SCHEDULED DAYS:__________________________________

Requirements for Final
Now that the end of the year is drawing near, it is time to complete our final exam project.

You will be assigned a project to work on consecutively.

Senior Video

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Senior Video

Senior Video Project

Students will work on a video project and learn new video/ production skills
Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.
Students will create alternate graphics for a special segment
Students will brainstorm, plan and implement ideas for a new segment

Students will stop, view and critique their work through each phase of production
Teacher/ Students will brainstorm before and after production; Students/ teacher will evaluate each project and assess progress/ direction
Peer evaluations
Informal Teacher- Student conferences
Teacher will grade projects and productions

Students will practice movement, cues, cuts, audio, video,

1. Each student will be assigned a segment to produce for the senior video:
Senior Video Sports
·      Use digital juice set 41 lower third and background
·      Opening title screen with name of sport
·      Senior names on lower third(titles are made)
·      Place lower third on top of individual senior picture
·      2 seconds for each senior
·      Follow with footage of that senior(2 shots), any pictures should be 2 seconds
·      Fade all with key frames
·      Lower third and title “the team” over team picture
 Lower third and title over "Seniors" over senior pics
·      Font size 65….add inner strokes
·      We will show you the font / Myriad (Under titles)

·      Sports fonts are at preset

All videos MUST be exported and finished by Friday.

There will be two progress checks:  Unannounced.  Each will be scored at 25 points.

Video order:
1. Follow directions for intro title above
2. Show each senior's picture with lower third.
-- 1.5 seconds for each photo
--Lower third must fade in and out
3. Random team video
(Hopefully will include the seniors playing
4. Team photo
-Lower third should say The Team
5. Fade out

**Write the music used on the sheet in the front of the room

Standard -1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium