Sunday, September 29, 2013

News Packages

1. The class will compile a "Reporter's checklist" to indicate steps and information needed in creating a news package.
2. Then Students will complete the planning sheet.

Tuesday: Students will present their planning sheets and discuss their news packages to the class
Students will begin the process of creating a news story

Overview:Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"
1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.
2. Students will generate ideas/ complete treatments for their projects.
Goal: Students will produce their first news package


Wednesday, 10/16
1. Students should begin filming their INTRO and OUTRO segments
2. Wednesday- Thursday:
- Students should be taping all aspects of their project
A. Intro
B. Outro
C. Background footage
D. Voice Overs
E. Interviews
F. Walk Through
G. Shots for Cut Out

3. Students should import each day and begin editing immediately.

4. Review tutorials: - Lower Thirds: Tutorials are to be completed when you have free time during the project.
-All tutorials are due by Thursday, 10/11
**You are required to use the same lower third throughout your video.

A. lower thirds
B. Scroll

Once you view the tutorial, take notes on it and create your own
Export your work to the folder labeled : lower thirds and Scroll
(Go to "TVSTUDIO" SERVER and look for these folders 

Friday, 10/19
5. Students should be in full edit mode.  Students will have two days to edit the majority of their project.

Standard - 1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.
1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Intro to News Packages

Intro to News Packages

Bell Ringer: Tuesday, 9/17- 9/20
Watch a daily news package and ANSWER the following questions:
1. What is the main point in this package?
2. How did the reporter begin and end?
3. Were there varying shots?




Tuesday and Wednesday:
Goal: Students will learn about reporting the news and creating news packages
I. Watch introductory videos: How to report the news

II. Watch Channel 16 DVD on how to produce a news story

Tuesday: Watch introductory videos (see upper link) Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package" 1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.

Wednesday 2. We will watch professional news packages from WNEP. Students will take notes on format and tips.

1. The class will compile a "Reporter's checklist" to indicate steps and information needed in creating a news package.
2. Then Students will complete the planning sheet.

Friday: Students will present their planning sheets and discuss their news packages to the class
Students will begin the process of creating a news story

Overview:Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"
1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.
2. Students will generate ideas/ complete treatments for their projects.

Standard - 1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.
1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Video manipulation practice and quiz

Students will complete three video tutorials. 
Students will make three graded practice projects
Students will take one quiz utilizing all three tutorials

Students will complete two tutorials:
Face Blur - Teaches you to blur out background/ unnecessary elements
Ping Pong - Make objects travel, point or move in your video

-9/11-9/12 Key Frames Titles and Key frames

Students will be able to manipulate the foreground and the background of their productions

Students will be able to use and incorporate key frames into their productions

Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production

Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects

Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro / 6.5 Students will review basic editing skills/ techniques for the first project

Bell Ringer: Monday - Thursday - Students will participate in a review of various Adobe Elements

Monday - Face Blur

Tuesday -Ping Pong Tutorial

Wednesday - Key Frames

Thursday - Sound Effects; Sonic Fire Pro Friday - complete all tutorial projects

Friday – Quiz Must Be Completed

Monday, 9/9:  Students will review the Face Blur tutorial at their desks, add to their instructional notes and practice the tutorial Students will create a practice the Face Blur project (Please save it in a new folder named : Face Blur) Students will watch first productions
Tuesday, 9/10 Students will review the Ping Pong tutorial at their desks, add to their instructional notes and practice the tutorial Students will create a practice Ping Pong project (Please save it in a new folder named : PING PONG) Students will watch first productions

 Wednesday, 9/11- Students will review the Key frame tutorial at their desks, add to their instructional notes and practice the tutorial Students will create a practice key frame project (Please save it in a new folder named : PRACTICE KEY FRAME) Students will watch first productions

Thursday, 9/12  Teacher will review basic editing and key frames and allow students to begin their quiz

Friday, 9/13: Begin Video Quiz - Due on Friday, 9/14

1. Students will log on and go to the TV studio.

2. Create a new Adobe Project : Place it in a folder called: Key frame Quiz 1

(Make this folder in YOUR folder.)

3. Save your Save your project in this new folder

4. Use the background located in the folder entitled "Dropped Video"

5. Using your name, Create a new title

6. Make it a new color

7. Using key frames

A. Make your title spread and grow twice it's size

B. This will occur in the middle of your project

C. Your title will remain in it's original size at the beginning and end of the video

D. Your video must pause in the middle (Use two key frames in the center to accomplish this)

E. Blur out one letter or one word....then make it clear again.

 F. Your title must fade in and fade out

G. Have an object....any object....even a letter bounce throughout the  title  (Ping Pong)

 H. Export your completed project to your new folder and call it "Final Quiz 1"

Closure Activity: Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, September 02, 2013

Your Turn

Bell ringers:
Tuesday, 9/3 - Evaluate your filming progress

Wednesday, 9/4 -  Evaluate your editing progress

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.

Students will discuss the following planning and technique tips

Students will choreograph a project




PLAN -If you plan your shots in advance you'll get your shots more quickly. Directors of big budget films frequently create tight drawing called storyboards of every single shot in their movie before they every start a camera, a process that could take months. However, I will settle for doodles of each shot and camera angle/ change.

Plan...but be ready to improvise, too. It's like singing a song. You don't need to know the whole thing, but don't start without knowing what the tune and first verse are.


A good video trick is a short video trick. If your idea takes more that a page to describe, it's probably too long.


You must be believable. If seven books fall on your foot, react in pain. It is essential that your audience believe what your are doing on film.

(Hideous acting can be great only if it is incredibly bad!!)

Basic elements:

Coordinating a scene is very much like choreographing a dance move. All participants must rehearse...this includes the production staff.

Establish your shot- Give the audience a big first view so they understand the context of your production. Capture the entire set/ background/ scene.

Camera Angles- see worksheet

The 180 rule- When you are shooting a character, stay to one side of them. If you are filming the right side, do not switch to the left. This will leave your shot awkward and unbalanced.

Eye line match-This is two or more shots. Show your character looking something or pointing to it. Hold this shot for a few seconds, then cut to what they are looking at. Be sure that the second shot is shot from his/ her eye level and angle.

Over the shoulder shots- switch back and forth between your subjects

Action shots- Mike stands on a bench, looks down and jumps. As he begins to jump, cut to a different view.

The Dolly shot- move with your subject. Sometimes it is easier to roll with your subject.

**Storyboards are required and MUST match up to your video. You will only receive 50% of your grade if you cannot provide this element of planning.

Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects

Sample Video:


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters take a few choreographed movements with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

EX: ""ll start with one jab. You duck. Then you do two jabs , and I'll duck. Next,...)

The sound effect person must practice too.

Directions for shots:
A. In the middle of a coordinated shot, stop the camera and switch to a new point of view, over the shoulder. This way you can use the momentum of the action to carry through the cut. It keeps the action moving)

B. The big trick. Shoot over the shoulder . If the camera man backs away and zooms in, you'll create an illusion that the characters are much closer than they really are.

C. Camera will be in full zoom 5 to 6 feet away from the subject

Placement: In a choreographed scene:
-The actors are always too far apart to actually reach each other. On top of which, everybody knows what is going to happen's practice!

Add sound effects and let's get started!!!!!

Closure Activity:
Each Day - You will write a few sentences discussing your progress/ problems or concerns

1.2.11.B-Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.5.11.B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic 1.5.11.C- Write with controlled and/ or subtle organization