Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Camera Practice



 Tuesday, 9/19- Camera Test

 Scenario 1

A.      A. A river with a tiny bunny in the left bottom corner

B.      B. Move your camera in physically to a complete shot of the bunny with a little background showing

C.      C. Move your physical camera left and angle up to a bird in the big sky

D.      D. Get a shot of the sky by standing still and moving your camera left to right

E.       E. Switch/ cut to a scene with two people and their entire bodies

F.     F.  The next shot should be of the same  two people talking facing each other.  You will see one person’s back.

G. G. This will require two boxes: A. Begin with a shot of a dog's head  B. Physically move your camera backward to a shot of the entire dog

 Place your answers on the storyboard.  Draw each scene, and list the camera angles, movements, and shots below each box.


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