Sunday, August 30, 2020

Practice writing storyboards



Writing Scripts

Camera Shot, Angle, and movement test on Friday

Objective: Students will learn to organize and create a script for a video project

1. Overview paragraph- Each student will turn in a paragraph describing the overall concept for their first video project.

-The project will be to create a script for a 10 second videos that contains
two camera angles, two movements and 4 camera shots

2. Students will create a basic storyboard incorporating the directions above
3. Read it to your neighbor and have them use their imaginary camera to test your storyboard
4. Students will turn their storyboards in to
5. Practice shots, movements, angles using your note cards
6. Written test: M/W - Wednesday, 9/8
                        T/Th - Thursday, 9/9

**Storyboards are in Google Classroom

Basic elements:

Coordinating a scene is very much like choreographing a dance move. All participants must rehearse...this includes the production staff.

Establish your shot- Give the audience a big first view so they understand the context of your production. Capture the entire set/ background/ scene.

Camera Angles- see worksheet

The 180 rule- When you are shooting a character, stay to one side of them. If you are filming the right side, do not switch to the left. This will leave your shot awkward and unbalanced.

Eye line match-This is two or more shots. Show your character looking something or pointing to it. Hold this shot for a few seconds, then cut to what they are looking at. Be sure that the second shot is shot from his/ her eye level and angle.

Over the shoulder shots- switch back and forth between your subjects

Action shots- Mike stands on a bench, looks down and jumps. As he begins to jump, cut to a different view.

The Dolly shot- move with your subject. Sometimes it is easier to roll with your subject.

1.2.11.B-Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.5.11.B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic 1.5.11.C- Write with controlled and/ or subtle organization

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