Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Quiz 2

II. Your Favorite quiz

Create a folder named  Quiz 2 in tvstudio

2. Create two titles with 2 words that describe "your favorite"

(This should be two separate titles placed on top of each other....5 seconds each

A. make your words fade in and out.....0, 100, 100, 0
B. Make them spin a full rotation...0, 360
C.They should each move separately

3. Create a third full page title that is a background 10 seconds)
No words just pretty background
1. Place title one on the time line
2. next, place titles 2,3 together so you can work with them.

3. Put one type of transition between both titles we will go over this.
A. Place title/ with name on line 1
B. Next to this...not under or above...place just background (background on bottom.....remember the sandwich rule.)
C. Place "2 words" above the just background title
D. do manipulations
E. Place a transition between first and second set....
Please make sure your hit "SAVE" after each title
and "Save" before closing.
**Do not hit "SAVE AS"

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