Friday, May 17, 2019

Final Exam

Friday and Monday:  You will be working on the planning sheet below.  It is due on Tuesday

Each student will make a montage video:  ONE FINAL LOOK AT BHS

You are going to show BHS through your eyes.


It should include the following:

1. PICK A QUESTION AND HAVE STUDENTS ANSWER-like in the interview process for news videos, they will answer by repeating your question.

-Organize sections of your video:
1. Intro- Background with title (6 seconds)
2. Random scenes/ video clips  (no more than 10-12 seconds each)  You must have 3 different scenes.

*For the random scenes, tape in different sections of the school.  Always get WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM EACH CLASSROOM TEACHER.

1 Tacher's name________________________
I give  YOUR NAME__________________________________ permission to film in my classroom during Period____________.

Teacher's signature:______________________________

*if this is not turned in, your project will not be graded.

3. Interview answers for question 1 - You must have at least 5 different people answer this question
-include lower thirds for each new speaker

4. random video clips (no more than 10-12 seconds each)\ You must have at least 3 different scenes in this section.

5. Interview answers for question 2 - You must have at least 5 different people answer this question.  You can't use the same people from question 1

6.Closing:  Be creative with the closing.  You can feature random school clips throughout the day.
Film students exiting the building, etc.

-Each project must contain background music.  You may use no more than 29.9 seconds of one song.  You can use as many songs, as long as you follow this rule.

-There is free music (Like we play on BASH)  I will show you this when I return.

Fill out the following Planning Sheet:


1. Describe the theme/ concept behind your project:

2. List your two questions:  ex:  What is your most memorable moment at BHS, Shout outs to friends, advice to underclassmen, etc

3. As you gather general school footage, please edit and keep a list of clip locations

4. List of music

All video must be Mrs. Christian rated
No bathroom or locker room footage
No violence, illegal activity, anything that strays from the school handbook
No weapons, alcohol, drugs, profanity,, etc
No filming from a moving vehicle

Use good jusgement.

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