Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Intro to Adobe Premiere

Intro to Adobe Premiere

Intro to Adobe Premiere:
1. Students will have a walk through of the Adobe program.
Using the Smart Board, students will review all aspects of the Adobe Premiere introduction.

1. Using the time line
2. Bins
3. Transitions
4. Rubber bands
5. Cutting video
6. Titles

Closure: Each day, we will review the various sections of Adobe Premiere

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Part 2

Adobe Titles

Adobe Titles


Introduction to Adobe

Goal: To introduce students to Adobe Premiere

Students will learn to create Adobe Titles
Students will: "Cut, Use different video lines, create titles, overlap titles, utilize bins, use transitions

Students will use their current project in Adobe Pro to create the following:

1. A title - This is your own creation.....have fun!!
2. A title using templates - Lower Third
3. A title using templates - Full

Please make sure your hit "SAVE" after each title
and "Save" before closing.

**Do not hit "SAVE AS"


Students will complete a Quiz project:

First: make a new folder in tvstudio

Second: Name the folder "video quiz 1"

Third: create a new Adobe project

**Your titles must be saved in the tvstudio "video quiz 1" folder

***Your titles should have unique names

****Your titles should be in a bin

Quiz Directions:

1. Create a full page title with your name

A. You may NOT use a template

B. You must use three types of fonts (throughout this entire project)

C. You must rotate or tilt one word in your title (In the three slides)

D. It must be eye-catching

E. It must be clean and logical


Slide 1:  A background  and your first name

Slide 2:  A background and your last name
Slides 3, 4, and 5 :  Each one is going to have one word that describes you

*one must not have a background
one must have a background
one must have a background and centered word.

Each title must be different
Each title must contain a drop shadow.

2. Create a title with 2 words that describe you

(The words will discuss what is covered in Journalism I)

A. make your words fade in and out.....0, 100, 100, 0
B. Make them spin a full rotation...0, 306
C. Send a lightning bolt through the words.

3. Create a third full page title that is a background
No words just pretty background

1. Place title one on the time line
2. next, place titles 2,3 together so you can work with them.

3. Put one type of transition between both titles

A. Place title/ with name on line 1
B. Next to this...not under or above...place just background
C. Place "2 words" above the just background title
D. do manipulations
E. Place a transition between first and second set....
Please make sure your hit "SAVE" after each title

and "Save" before closing.

**Do not hit "SAVE AS"

Goal: Students will create three titles on the same video line

Name Quiz

Goal: Students will create three titles on the same video line

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Friday, May 17, 2019

Final Exam

Friday and Monday:  You will be working on the planning sheet below.  It is due on Tuesday

Each student will make a montage video:  ONE FINAL LOOK AT BHS

You are going to show BHS through your eyes.


It should include the following:

1. PICK A QUESTION AND HAVE STUDENTS ANSWER-like in the interview process for news videos, they will answer by repeating your question.

-Organize sections of your video:
1. Intro- Background with title (6 seconds)
2. Random scenes/ video clips  (no more than 10-12 seconds each)  You must have 3 different scenes.

*For the random scenes, tape in different sections of the school.  Always get WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM EACH CLASSROOM TEACHER.

1 Tacher's name________________________
I give  YOUR NAME__________________________________ permission to film in my classroom during Period____________.

Teacher's signature:______________________________

*if this is not turned in, your project will not be graded.

3. Interview answers for question 1 - You must have at least 5 different people answer this question
-include lower thirds for each new speaker

4. random video clips (no more than 10-12 seconds each)\ You must have at least 3 different scenes in this section.

5. Interview answers for question 2 - You must have at least 5 different people answer this question.  You can't use the same people from question 1

6.Closing:  Be creative with the closing.  You can feature random school clips throughout the day.
Film students exiting the building, etc.

-Each project must contain background music.  You may use no more than 29.9 seconds of one song.  You can use as many songs, as long as you follow this rule.

-There is free music (Like we play on BASH)  I will show you this when I return.

Fill out the following Planning Sheet:


1. Describe the theme/ concept behind your project:

2. List your two questions:  ex:  What is your most memorable moment at BHS, Shout outs to friends, advice to underclassmen, etc

3. As you gather general school footage, please edit and keep a list of clip locations

4. List of music

All video must be Mrs. Christian rated
No bathroom or locker room footage
No violence, illegal activity, anything that strays from the school handbook
No weapons, alcohol, drugs, profanity,, etc
No filming from a moving vehicle

Use good jusgement.