Friday, March 27, 2015


Advertising Project:Read Chapter 12: Objectives and Strategies for Public Relations Writing.(pgs 265 -275)

Chapter Review
I. Read and discuss the chapter.
A. Each student should have a detailed answers by completing the chapter 12 packet. Students may use ebooks. 

Answers should include Section Headings, Subtopics, Key terms and Definitions.
(The packet will be turned in for a 100 point grade. Each section will be checked)

Ad Reviews
II. Discuss popular advertising commercials, magazine and newspaper ads, billboards and radio ads.

A. Each student must write a page about a specific ad campaign. The company must be in accordance with school policy.
1. Discuss the ad (SLOGANS, LOGOS, PURPOSE)
2. Discuss the gender and age group targeted
3. Discuss the Publics, Markets and Audiences
4. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or Why not?
5 Discuss colors in the ads. How do they accent/ highlight the product?
6. Discuss the placement of the ads (Where they appear, When they appear, How they appear)
7. Evaluate the marketing campaign. Discuss the pros and cons of the campaign.
8. Bring in a sample of the ad campaign: tape a commercial, cut out a magazine ad for your product or find info. on the product with visuals from the Internet.
9. Each person will present their advertisement findings to the class. The class will discuss each campaign.

The paper is worth 100 points
The visual is worth 25 points
Knowledge of product/ campaign (Presentation) - 50 points



Group Project

1. Students will work in groups of 2-3

1. Create a Company and a Product to advertise
2. Create a company logo
3. Create a slogan for your product
4. Discuss Marketing Ideas (How will you get your product to the people, What type of campaign will you use, Why is your company the best one to promote this product)
-To accomplish this, you must research similar companies and products on the Internet. Study their campaigns, company policies etc.)

Group Advertising / PR Project

I. Submit a paper indicating your group members
Name your advertising firm
Create a logo for your ad firm

II. Marketing
-You are going to market and advertise a product, service or message
Select a “product / subject” for your project
Create a formal presentation
Using charts and graphs
A. Depict a market and a public
B. Indicate your target audience
C. Indicate how your marketing plan will 

increase sales/ public interest
D. Indicate demographic regions for advertising 

your product
E. Convince the class that you would be the best 
firm to sell this product/ idea

Finding Publics
Conduct Surveys
Oral Polls
Write Objectives (Awareness…etc) (in book)
Responsible for collecting and analyzing all data
Put information on posters and present to the class
Find Geographical areas to be covered
And demographic
Gender, location, Age etc.
Find target audience

III. Advertising
Tell the class your concept for the three ads you will produce
Display story boards……..The class must be able to view your story boards from their seats
Discuss the content of your ad

Create three ads
Two 15 second commercials
One 30 second commercial

-Brainstorm 10 concepts for advertising plan
10 different scenarios and write them down
pick three plans that are most marketable and establish details
make brochures and fliers and radio add (first plans)
describe plans
create story boards for each commercial
pick and vote on top plan

IV. Rules:Do not produce garbage
Short fragments and sentences will not be accepted

V. Grading

The groups will be graded by the class
Each section of the project will receive a grade
All requirements must be met by the assigned deadlines
Have Fun!!

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