Wednesday, March 17, 2010


You will work as a group

Your group will produce an original game show or talk show or something similar

Due Dates:
3/19- General scripts and paragraphs are due
Turn in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)

3/22-List of props and costumes

3/31- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits)

3/30-- Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!

-I expect all camera directions (Cues and Cuts)
-Stage directions must be included in parenthesis
-A master list at the top of the script
-A prop and dress list
-A brief description of all characters and their characteristics
-A list of all film locations

*4/7 & 4/8 (Airelle's Group)- Group 2 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/9 & 4/12 (Amanda's Group) - Group 3 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/13 & 4/114(Bella's Group) - Group 4 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/15 & 16 (Kim's Group) Group 1 Practice and Tape

3/31- Commercials must be completed and exported to a specified folder
(3 commercials : 2 ten second commercials and 1 fifteen second commercial)

4/17- 4/23- Editing days (You may rerecord any short scene in the tv studio at this time)

4/26 - 4/27- Viewing days (Bring popcorn)

Checklist for final folder
1. List all group member names
2. Include: 3/19- General scripts and paragraphs --in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)
-List of props and costumes
- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits) - Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!
3. Print out a script for every member participating including the studio staff
4. Put a name on each script
5. Have a pre-production discussion ready. You will have to inform every person in the class of your project

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