Wednesday, March 17, 2010


You will work as a group

Your group will produce an original game show or talk show or something similar

Due Dates:
3/19- General scripts and paragraphs are due
Turn in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)

3/22-List of props and costumes

3/31- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits)

3/30-- Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!

-I expect all camera directions (Cues and Cuts)
-Stage directions must be included in parenthesis
-A master list at the top of the script
-A prop and dress list
-A brief description of all characters and their characteristics
-A list of all film locations

*4/7 & 4/8 (Airelle's Group)- Group 2 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/9 & 4/12 (Amanda's Group) - Group 3 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/13 & 4/114(Bella's Group) - Group 4 Studio Practice and Tape Date

*4/15 & 16 (Kim's Group) Group 1 Practice and Tape

3/31- Commercials must be completed and exported to a specified folder
(3 commercials : 2 ten second commercials and 1 fifteen second commercial)

4/17- 4/23- Editing days (You may rerecord any short scene in the tv studio at this time)

4/26 - 4/27- Viewing days (Bring popcorn)

Checklist for final folder
1. List all group member names
2. Include: 3/19- General scripts and paragraphs --in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)
-List of props and costumes
- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits) - Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!
3. Print out a script for every member participating including the studio staff
4. Put a name on each script
5. Have a pre-production discussion ready. You will have to inform every person in the class of your project

Monday, March 15, 2010


Due Today!

Please complete the tutorial entitled: Transporter

Save it to a folder called: Transporter Tutorial

This will be graded.

Use any footage you already have.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Intro to the studio

Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio productionWe will begin with Module 1:


Project Due by 3/11
Students will create a St. Patrick's Day graphic using the following requirements
1. Must incorporate 3 tutorials
**1 must be KEYFRAMES
2. Clear message/ clean edits
3. bet. 15- 30 seconds long

Export into a folder entitled "quiz"

Must turn in a script that indicates in-time of tutorials

1 type transition

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced