Monday, September 21, 2009

Key Frames

Titles and Key frames
Students will complete their 10 second project during the first 15 minutes of class
Students will review the tutorials on Key frames.
Students will take notes on the process

Students will review the tutorial at their desks, add to their instructional notes and practice the tutorial

Students will create a practice key frame project
(Please save it in a new folder named : PRACTICE KEY FRAME)

Video Quiz
1. Students will log on and go to the TV studio server

2. Create a new Adobe Project : Place it in a folder called: Key frame Quiz 1
(Make this folder in YOUR folder.)

3. Save your Save your project in this new folder

4. Use the background located in the folder entitled "Dropped Video"

5. Using your name, Create a new title

6. Make it a new color

7. Using key frames

A. Make your title spread and grow twice it's size

B. This will occur in the middle of your project

C. Your title will remain in it's original size at the beginning and end of the video

D. Your video must pause in the middle (Use two key frames in the center to accomplish this.

E. Your title must fade in and fade out

F. Export your completed project to your new folder and call it "Final Quiz 1"

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

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