Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Presentations today!

I will give you a few minutes in the beginning of class to get everything ready and organized for your presentation.

After the presentations you may begin filming your commercials.

Remember you are to make:
-Two 15 second commercials
-One 30 second commercial

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have come up with for this project=-)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Storyboard Information

Your storyboard should include:

-What characters are in the frame, and how are they moving?
-What are the characters saying to each other, if anything?
-How much time has passed between the last frame of the storyboard and the current one?
-Where the camera is in the scene? Close or far away? Is the camera moving?
-This will help you plan your animation shot by shot.
Today you will continue working on your formal presentations for the marketing/advertising project.

I will also go over a brief PowerPoint presentation about what you should include on your storyboards.

As of now your presentation, promotional flyer, business card, storyboards, graphs and charts are all due together on Wednesday 4/23.

Please dress professionally for this presentation.

Have fun and have a fantastic weekend=-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Marketing/Advertising Project

Today we will actually begin working on your marketing and advertising project=-)

Please type up this information and hand it into me by the end of the period:

1) I would like you to choose your group members today. I am splitting the class up in half so you will be in two groups of five. I would like you to choose who you would like to work with. Please list your group members on a piece of paper.

2) I would like each group member to be assigned a specific job that they are responsible for throughout the project. When looking through the requirements of this project I would like you to list each group member's assigned job and responsibilities for each part of the project. This will be included on the typed sheet that you are submitting to me. Remember there are two parts to this project!

For today you are submitting a typed paper with this information:
1) Group members
2) Each person's role or job within your group.
3) Brainstormed ideas of what you will be naming your firm.
4) Brainstormed ideas of a product/subject you will be working with for this project.

I would also like you to brainstorm possible names for your firm today and put your ideas on the piece of paper you are submitting to me. You do not have to come up with a name today! Just make sure that you have ideas of what you would like to call your firm.

Also brainstorm ideas of what product/subject you are going to be advertising for this project. You could put these ideas on the piece of paper you are submitting as well.

Directions and requirements for this project:

Before you actually begin working on your ads you are going to prepare a formal presentation that you will be giving to your class. The day you present you MUST dress professionally, or your grade will suffer!

Your presentation will include the following elements:


1)You are going to market and advertise a product, service, or message.

2) Select a "product/subject" for your project.

3)Create a formal presentation.

a. Create a promotional flyer.

b. Create a business card for your firm. This must include your logo and slogan.

c. Using charts and graphs

I. Depict a market and public

II.Indicate your target audience

III.Indicate how your marketing plan will increase sales/public interest

IV. Indicate demographic regions for advertising your product.

V.Convince the class that you would be the best firm to sell this product/idea.


1.Tell the class your concept for the three ads you will produce

2.Display story boards...the class must be able to view your story boards from their seats.

3.Discuss the content of your ads.

4.After your presentation you will begin creating three ads

a.Two 15 second commercials

b.One 30 second commercial


1.The groups will be graded by the class and the teacher.

2.Each section of the project will receive a grade.

3.All requirements must be met by the assigned deadlines.

Have fun!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Introduction to Marketing and Advertising

Today we will spend time going over the terms you filled out yesterday in class.

After going over the terms please view the first two commercials:

With a partner please answer the following questions in the comment section of this blog:
These questions will be worth 25 points. Please answer them carefully.

1. Discuss the ad's logo

2. Discuss the ad's slogan

3. Discuss the gender and age group targeted

4. Discuss the Markets and Audiences

5. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or why not?