Thursday, December 25, 2008

News package and quad pip

12/8 - 12/19

Students will create a news package

12/8-12/12 - All packages must be taped and imported
12/15- 12/18 - Edit packages
12/18-Export packages.
12/18-12/19- View, grade and redo packages. Students will discuss their evaluations and correct any problem areas in their videos.
-Packages that receive an A will be aired on BASH TV

12/19-12/23- Complete tutorial project : Quad PIP
-Use the Brady Bunch theme for the project (located in TV studio)
-Make sure the four quadrants interact

Monday, December 01, 2008

Creating a news package

Watch introductory videos: How to report the news

12/2-12/5 Goal: Students will learn about reporting the news and creating news packages

Tuesday: Watch introductory videos (see upper link)

Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"

1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.

Wednesday- Thursday
2. We will watch professional news packages on CNN and CNBC. Students will take notes on format and tips.

2Next, we will review various school packages on School Tube. com

Friday: The class will compile a "Reporter's checklist" to indicate steps and information needed in creating a news package.

Monday, November 03, 2008


You will work as a group

Your group will produce an original game show or talk show

Due Dates:
11/4- General scripts and paragraphs are due
Turn in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)

11/5-List of props and costumes

11/10- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits)

11/11- Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!

11/13 and 11/17- Group 1 Studio practice

11/18- Commercials must be completed and exported to a specified folder

11/19 - Studio / Official video day
11/20 - 11/21 - Editing day

11/24- Viewing day (Bring popcorn)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Timing tutorial and 5 chapter project

1. Today we will begin to formulate 5 titles for your final video project.

2. Watch the tutorial entitled "Timing"

3. You will complete your own project after watching the tutorial. Your project must start out with a title and end in a black video

Tuesday and Wednesday
1. Complete your own Timing Project.
2. Be sure your project is exported into your folder AND in a folder called Photo Timing
--Please note that if your video doesn't play on the grading day, you have exported in PAL....please redo.

**Refer back to the tutorial if you have any questions

By Friday, you will complete and export the 5 titles / sections of your life.

Monday, October 20, 2008

10/20- 10/25

Students will complete two video editing tutorials.
Star Titles
Stop and Glow

1. Students will go over the steps for both tutorials with the teacher
2. Students will watch and review the tutorials on their computers
3. Students will take notes on each tutorial
4. After each tutorial, students will complete an original project only using the instructions from their notes
5. All projects will be saved in assigned folders
--Folders should be created in personal files in the tvstudio / journalism 2
--one folder should be entitled "Stop and Glow"
--The other folder should be entitled "Star Titles"
**Please make sure the projects are properly exported

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday - 10/17
Viewing Day

Students will view and assess their Music Video Projects

Monday, September 29, 2008



Project 1: All about me
Please follow rule from the previous blog

All projects must be exported by Tuesday

View and complete Tutorial:
1. Students will log on and go to the TV studio server

2. Create a new Adobe Project : Place it in a folder called: Keyframe Quiz 1
(Make this folder in YOUR folder.)

3. Save your Save your project in this new folder

4. Use the background located in the folder entitled "Dropped Video"

5. Using your name, Create a new title

6. Make it a new color

7. Using keyframes

A. Make your title spread and grow twice it's size

B. This will occur in the middle of your project

C. Your title will remain in it's original size at the beginning and end of the video

D. Your video must pause in the middle (Use two keyframes in the center to accomplish this.

E. Your title must fade in and fade out

F. Export your completed project to your new folder and call it "Final Quiz 1"

**This is due on Wednesday, 10/8

Next project:
Music Video
They say making a video is like making magic..........
............So, here's a chance to jump into a new world.

Today we are going to begin our first real project
1. Students will review the elements of a music video
2. Each student will pick out their favorite song
3. Students will create storyboards and write a paragraph to illustrate their ideas for approval
4. Students must turn in the lyrics to the song (Remember, Mrs. C. IS listening!!)
5. Storyboards and paragraphs Must be turned in by Thursday, 10/2 (10 pts. each)
6. All Filming MUST be planned and completed on school property


7. Students will review the Music Video score sheets and discuss requirements
8. All formal scripts must be turned in by Friday, 10/3 (20 pts.)
9. We have 6 video cameras, so students will need to sign up to video tape.
10. Students will be able to video tape between Friday- Wednesday (10/6-10/8).

11. During this time, students will create a new folder for their projects (Entitled: Name Music Video) -All work must be saved in this project
12. each time you film, you will be responsible for importing your footage

13. Tuesday, 10/7- MUST BRING YOUR MUSIC (20 pts.)
-Students will learn to use the Sound Forge program

14. During the filming period, one video tutorial must be completed: Keyframes
-Complete this while you are waiting for others to film

15. All footage must be dropped and exported to your folders by Thursday, 10/9

16. The project must be completed and exported by Wednesday, 10/15

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Project 1

Thursday - Monday - 9/11 - 9/15

1. Students will create a script using the format discussed in class on Friday
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

2. Students will pick two selections of music for the video and print out lyrics

3. Students will tape on their assigned tapes

I am _____?
1. Students will video and edit one 30 second scene
2. Students will create a video entitled: I am ______ (fill in your name)

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Exploring titles

Tuesday, 9/9 and Wednesday 9/ 10

Students will learn to create and manipulate titles for video

Students will watch the tutorial entitled: Title Crawl

After viewing the video, students will create a "crawling title"
Students will create 5 original titles exploring gradients and textures

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Assignment 1


Students will finish reading the packet: Lights, Camera, Action

Students will discuss script writing and format

Assignment 1:
Objective: To introduce students to basic script writing.

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a storyboard
3. Students will create a script using the format discussed in class on Friday
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick two selections of music for the video and print out lyrics

I am _____?
1. Students will video and edit one 30 second scene
2. Students will create a video entitled: I am ______ (fill in your name)

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Students will brainstorm ideas and create a paragraph with ideas for a storyboard

Students will create storyboards, meet with Mrs. Christian
Once approved, students will create initial scripts

9/4 & 9/5 Tutorials

1. Basic Instructions
2. Title Crawl

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Writing Scripts

Objective: Students will learn to organize and create a script for a video project

1. Overview paragraph- Each student will turn in a paragraph describing the overall concept for their first video project.

-The project will be two 10 second videos that contain the exact same footang
-HOWEVER, each video will be set to two different musical selections (Music that depicts two very different moods)
-The music must be suitable for the concept and naturally fit with the video

2. Students will read the packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action
3. Students will review all of the elements included in a simple video production
4. Next, the students will create storyboards and discuss script format
5. Students will be introduced to script writing

Once we are finished. Students will begin to brainstorm ideas for their project. Also, they will print the lyrics for each song to be used in the project.

*Remember all taping must take place in THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: the lab, the hall outside of the lab, in the cafe, outside, or in a study hall (With a teacher's written permission). Students violating this rule will face the following punishment:
1. Zero and no make up
2. Loss of filming privileges for the year


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Camera Direction/ Angles

Students will review camera direction, angles, transitions and key elements to planning a video project.

Students will review two handouts on camera direction/ angles
Students will discuss a packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action

Quiz: Friday


Welcome to Journalism II

This year we will explore the "behind the scenes" of videography.

There is more to a video than skinny models, hot rockers and flashes of color. This is an indepth process of planning, organizing and implementation that begins with a single thought. It is a process that starts with a storyboard and jumps to a full production.

During first marking period, we will cover the following areas:
Camera direction
Camera angle
Video terminology
Editing techniques

So, this is the beginning of what I like to refer to as
Lights, Camera, Action

Friday, May 23, 2008

Integrated Discussion

Goals: Students will present a "problem area/ positive area" of their video
As a group students will formulate solutions to their problems.

Using the Smart Board:
1. Students will present their digital video time lines
2. Students will explain their final exam and the chapters included within the project
3. Each student will present a section of their video and discuss it with the class.

4. Students will record notes on a worksheet entitled "Changes/ Ideas"; The class will work together to solve individual problems.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Double Projects

Now that the end of the year is drawing near, it is time to complete our final exam project.

You will be assigned two projects to work on consecutively.

Class project #1: Student pick

-Display your best video talent, organization skills and written creativity.
-Students are required to complete a project of their choice.
-You must use 4 different tutorials
-3 different title programs
-Develop a creative theme
-Incorporate quality audio
-You may use any transitions.....No, I am not placing any restrictions, just have fun. I know you enjoy mixing transitions, and I don't! This time, you can go transition crazy!!

1.Concept paragraph and initial script is due by Thursday, April 24.
(I need to approve the project and its direction)
2. There will be checks each Wednesday.
3. This project is due by May 16, 2008.

Project 2: Final Exam

(There will be "down" days where you will have little to do on your other project. You will need to set up a work schedule with me. EX: Work on Final Exam on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Work on individual project Mon and Fri.)

-You will need to select a schedule and sign a contract before the end of the week.
-Again, you will have video checks on Wednesdays.

1. Students are required to create a 5 minute (MIN.) video entitled "All About Me" (You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the video
3. 6 titles are required
4. Students must use 4 tutorials and 2 video effects.
5, Any transition combination may be used throughout the video
6. Any jumpy video segment or poor audio segment will result in a deduction of 10 points for each problem area.
7. Students will showcase three chapters of their lives.
8. Students may convert old videos, scan old photos (if you use photos, you must use the timing tutorial to assure that they go along with the video.)
9. Students are encouraged to record voice overs and utilize sound effects.

1. Students are required to turn in a working video log. This is like a script. You will outline each chapter and provide written details of any specifics that will be in the video. You will select audio and indicate song times....ex. 0:00-20 seconds. (Also, include highlighted lyrics for this section of the music)

2. Create your log in script form: Video/ audio/ details (Logs will be turned in every Friday)

3. Each chapter must have purpose

-The final exam must be exported before your final exam period ends.
-I will be in my classroom every day until 3:40 and I am here every Wednesday until 5:30
**You will need extra time, so please take advantage of this early start.
**We only have one scanner, you may scan at home and bring photos in on disc.
**Please see me before converting video that is not digital

*Free project must be exported into a folder entitled "FREE PROJECT"
**Final exam must be exported into a folder entitled "2008 FINAL"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creating an actual infomercial

Students will create instructional video projects

The world of infomercials are the perfect example for advanced video projects. The organization, variety or elements and the repetition of the main idea is essential for a successful project.

Tuesday, April 1
-Read through scripts. Make corrections and edit
-Bring props; all outtakes must be completed by the end of the period.
-Sign up for a practice time and a taping day.

-All work must be edited before actual taping.

Wednesday- Thursday
-Practice run through; Your group must be in full dress; script and staging area must be blocked; all props used must be present during this practice or they will not be allowed in the actual production. (This includes clothing, sets, objects needed, etc).

Friday, April 4-Friday, April 18
Block projects with Mrs. Christian (Tuesday, April 8)
Edit Outtakes (4/9-4/11)
4/14 (Mon) Group 1- Studio reserved
4/15 (Tues) Group 2- Studio reserved
4/16 (Wed)
4/17(Thurs) Group 3 Studio reserved
4/18 (Fri) Group 4 Studio reserved

4/22 Mon- Editing day
4/23 Tues-Viewing day

**All projects must be taped by Friday, 4/18-- NO EXCUSES.

-All groups must participate or cooperate in the filming process
-Any student found listening to music, playing games, or doing other "non-journalism" related projects will receive a zero as a grade.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Extra Tutorial Assignment

No studio productions today. We will continue with group 3 on Thursday and group4 on Friday.

Today, ALL J2 students should finish the SPOTLIGHT TUTORIAL
**Save and export this tutorial your folder; create another folder named "spotlight tutorial"

Next, watch the QUAD PIP TUTORIAL

-A QUADRANT PRINTOUT IS ON THE DOOR BY MY COMPUTER. You may want to draw a copy of this in a notebook. It is very helpful.


-Complete the tutorial and export it to your folder; create another folder named: Quad Pip


Monday, March 31, 2008

Informercial Production

Tuesday, April 1
-Read through scripts. Make corrections and edit
-Bring props; all outtakes must be completed by the end of the period.
-Sign up for a practice time and a taping day.

-All work must be edited before actual taping.

Wednesday- Thursday
-Practice run through; Your group must be in full dress; script and staging area must be blocked; all props used must be present during this practice or they will not be allowed in the actual production. (This includes clothing, sets, objects needed, etc).

Friday, April 4-Friday, April 18
Block projects with Mrs. Christian (Tuesday, April 8)
Edit Outtakes (4/9-4/11)
4/14 (Mon) Group 1- Studio reserved
4/15 (Tues) Group 2- Studio reserved
4/16 (Wed) Group 3- Studio reserved
4/17(Thurs) Group 4 Studio reserved
4/18 (Fri) Viewing day.

**All projects must be completed by Friday, 4/18-- NO EXCUSES.

Grading: See score sheet
Areas: Studio work
Group work (outtakes)
Formal script including all studio directions and graphic cue and cuts
video quality
subject quality
Consistency- in video, theme, props, costumes, acting, etc
Audio quality

-All groups must participate or cooperate in the filming process
-Any student found listening to music, playing games, or doing other "non-journalism" related projects will receive a zero as a grade.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Tuesday, 3/24- Watch infomercials
(When you select one of these infomercials, click on Windows Media and High)

Wednesday, 3/25-
In groups complete the following:
1. list group members
2. List company and company theme
3. List product- include a brief description of the product and what makes is "special"
-theme for the product
4. Testimonials
5. How will your group relate to "the common man"?

Thursday and Friday- Students will create a formal script for their project
-90%of the project must be scripted- including the cheesy humor
-You must turn in a script by the end of class on Friday, 3/28 (100 pts.)
-If you complete the project and it does not follow the script, your group will receive a zero

The world of infomercials are the perfect example for advanced video projects. The organization, variety or elements and the repetition of the main idea is essential for a successful project.

If you are able to create a great infomercial, you will be able to create great presentation projects.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


We will begin info-mercials after vacation.

Today and tomorrow, you will watch and complete the following tutorial: Spotlight

Be sure to make a folder named "spotlight"

This must be completed and exported by the end of the period on Wednesday, March 20.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Monday- Wednesday:

Students must film and import their commercial footage

-Make sure that your product name and logo appear in your project

-Apply all video editing criteria
-use one transition type

Thursday , Friday and Monday:

Students will edit three commercials

2 15 second spots
1 30 second spot

Friday, March 07, 2008

Advertising commercials

Students MUST turn in a position list and direction list for their three advertising commercials.

-A position list should include names of participants and their positions. Talent and crew
-A direction list should include filming locations, ideas and props needed. Indicate any specifics used in your video.


Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio production

Hold mouse over "TV Production Modules"

Scroll down to "Composition, Graphics, Sets"
Complete module 22:
Composition: Setting the Scene

Be sure to take the quiz

We will talk about this module on Monday.

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Marketing Quiz


View the following commercial:

Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss the ad’s logo.

2. Discuss the ad’s slogan.

3. Discuss the gender and age group targeted.

4. Discuss the Markets and Audiences.

5. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Marketing/Advertising Project

The students have begun working on a marketing/advertising project.

*Remember that there will be a quiz on the following terms on FRIDAY (Feb. 29)
Public Relations Audit
Customer Base
Target Audience
Awareness objectives
Acceptance objectives
Action Objectives

*Your Business cards and promotional flyer must be done by the end of class THURSDAY (Feb 28)

*ALL of your materials must be ready by the 2nd half of class Monday (March 3)

The requirement for the presentation are as follows:

Advertising/Marketing Project
Journalism II Spring 2008

*You will begin presenting next Tuesday (March 4). Presentations will last Tuesday and Wednesday. EVERYTHING must be ready for a preparation check by the 12:10 (The second half of class on Monday (March 3)!! You have already indicated your general advertising plans on your planning sheet. You now need to put your ideas into action. Remember, on the date of your presentation you MUST dress up, or your grade will suffer!
Your presentation will include the following elements:
1. You are going to market and advertise a product, service, or message.
2. Select a “product/subject” for your project
3. Create a formal presentation
a. Create a promotional flyer.
b. Create a business card for your firm. This must include your logo and slogan.
c. Using charts and graphs
i. Depict a market and public
ii. Indicate your target audience
iii. Indicate how your marketing plan will increase sales/public interest
iv. Indicate demographic regions for advertising your product
v. Convince the class that you would be the best firm to sell this product/idea

1. Tell the class your concept for the three ads you will produce
2. Display story boards…The class must be able to view your story boards from their seats.
3. Discuss the content of your ads

4. After your presentation you will begin creating three ads
a. Two 15 second commercials
b. One 30 second commercial

1. The groups will be graded by the class and the teacher
2. Each section of the project will receive a grade.
3. All requirements must be met by the assigned deadlines.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Viewing Day

2/5- Students will view and grade current packages

-Students will be given rubrics and assess each video


Monday, February 04, 2008

What is BHS? (Package)


Monday, 2/4 and Tuesday,2/5- Grade Videos

-Students will use a rubric, gather into groups and grade each package

-Students are required to write comments on each rubric

Wednesday, 2/6- Students will create a second package: What is BHS?

Each student will create a formal storyboard and initial Treatment

-Students will turn in their storyboards immediately on Thursday

Thursday, 2/7- Review storyboard ideas
1. Each student will present their ideas to the class
2. Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4
3. Students will discuss each storyboard idea, select one and create a treatment
4. Students will gather into groups and write a formal Treatment (Due on Friday)

Friday, 2/8- Turn in Treatment; All work must be approved by Mrs. Christian or Miss Meyer

Friday, 2/8, Monday, 2/11, and Tuesday, 2/12- Video taping days

Wednesday, 2/13- Friday, 2/15- Video Editing days

**All work must be exported into a folder on the TVSTUDIO server named "What is BHS?"

-Any work that is not exported by 2.15 will receive a ZERO

Monday, January 28, 2008

Editing Week

1/28-2/4 Students will edit their current project

-All projects must be exported to a folder in their personal Journalism 2 folder
-Please n
ame the file "Package 2008"

Be sure to fill all the video requirements from the checklist.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lower Thirds

Goal: Students will learn to create lower thirds.

*Lower thirds are necessary to provide proper attribution in a news package

1. Students will take notes on "Creating Lower Thirds"
-Lower thirds are essential for attribution for any

**news package or documentary
-2.Students will view a demonstration on lower thirds
given on the Smart Board
3. Students will explore reproduced lower thirds in Adobe Premiere 6.5, Digital Juice and Temps.
-4.Students will Practice Creating their own lower thirds utilizing preselected video segments.
-All work must be saved in their individual folders under "Lower Thirds"

If time allows, Students will work on their initial scripts

-See Previous blog for News package guidelines and projects bet 1/17-1/25

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

News Packages


Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"

1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.

2Next, we will review various school packages on School Tube. com

3. Students will generate ideas/ complete treatments for their projects.

Thursday, 1/17- complete initial treatments
*These must be approved by Mrs. Christian before you go on to the dry rehearsal
Friday, 1/18 -Dry rehearsal AND work on Formal script/ storyboard
*there must be at least 3 people in a group for a dry rehearsal/ oral run through
-Please add suggestions and predict problematic areas in the production
-Make necessary changes
-Set up appointments to film
Tuesday, 1/22- Turn in scripts after second dry rehearsal (Turn in scripts at the end of the period)
Tuesday, 1/22- Friday, 1/25: Film days
-Please drop your video as soon as you return from filming each day
-You must sign out a camera even if you are using it during specified periods throughout the school day.

4. Review tutorials: - Tutorials are to be completed when you have free time during the project.
-All tutorials are due by Wednesday, 1/23.

A. lower thirds
B. Scroll

Once you view the tutorial, take notes on it and create your own
Export your work to the folder labeled : lower thirds and Scroll
(Go to "TVSTUDIO" SERVER and look for these folders

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Go under "Production Overview"
Complete modules 8 and 9

We will discuss each section tomorrow
Take the Quiz for each module.

Please review the sample script below:

sample news script:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday: Writing a script

Modules 4, 5 and 6 under Production Overview
Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio production

We will begin with Module 1:

Go under "Production Overview"
Complete modules 4-6

We will discuss each section before the quiz

sample news script:


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Modules 2 and 3 under Production Overview

Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio production

We will begin with Module 1:

Go under "Production Overview"
Complete modules 2 and 3

We will discuss each section before the quiz


Monday, January 07, 2008

Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio production

We will begin with Module 1:


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Studio Production

Complete Studio Productions

Students will complete studio productions
-Group 2 will finish in-studio filming today

Due Dates:
Period 4- Final exported production is due on Wed, 1/9
Period 5- Final exported production is due on Friday, 1/4

*Students must edit footage
**Make sure all intro, exits, commercials and graphics are included

Good Luck!!