Tuesday, October 24, 2023



What is BHS Package

-Students will  gather into groups and brainstorm for each package: What is BHS?
I. -All work must be placed in a new folder on TV Studio called:  What is BHS

1. -Students will create an initial write up,  This is a paragraph that serves as an overview for your project ideas (oN A GOOGLE DOC)
 2. Initial cast and crew list, prop and costume list (Anything listed on the final script...due 2 days prior to production will result in a significant deduction)

Story Board - A rough drawing  and write up of your project

 A formal Scrips
**Camera directions must be very specific. (Anything listed on the final script...due 2 days prior to production will result in a significant deduction)
FORMAL SCRIPT LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FGad50zoYuc6Qf12n5BW15LIIn6V_AkZ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115237694256539959089&rtpof=true&sd=true


E.  Requirements:

-2 titles
-2 Video Effects
-4 Keyframe movements
--All video and music must fade in and out with EXACT keyframes
--. No choppy/ bouncy / unclear video
6. Clips must be cut and planned
-- No extra/ sloppy video
-- Clear audio
-- Export to your folder called: What is BHS
10. It must be one of the four times...to the EXACT second/ Frame
20 Sec
25 Sec
30 Sec

**Remember you may NOT use more than 29 seconds of any song
***You may include voice overs/ narration


WEDNESDAY- Monday (10/11-10/13)
Each student will create a formal storyboard and paragraph
**Story Boards are in Google Classroom.  This is where you will submit your paragraph and Story Board

-Students will turn in their storyboards before the end of class on Friday, 10/13
-Final Script Monday, 10/16 -This must be EXACT - We will complete this in class together. (Virtual and in-Person)
-Final script forms are located on GC
and your assignment must be turned in here by the deadline.

Tuesday, 10/14 Review storyboard ideas/ Script
1. Each student will present their ideas to the class
2. Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4
3. Students will discuss each storyboard idea, select one and create a final treatment
4. Students will gather into groups and write a formal Treatment (Due on Friday)

Tuesday, - Wednesday
 Video taping days

Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday, 10/20/2023

 complete the Flex Day 1 Assignment in Google Classroom

 Directions:   Read the NEWS ARTICLES in the folder.  COMPLETE the worksheet below.  Make a copy of this worksheet.  Past it on to a Google Doc.Fill in the information for BOTH articles.  There are two separate worksheets below.  Turn this ENTIRE DOCUMENT IN TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM BY THE DAY 

In order to write or create NEWS, one must be aware of newsworthy situations 
Identify the key elements in a news story

If you have any questions, you can contact me through email throughout the day.

Complete BOTH Articles in the assignment.

Thursday, October 05, 2023

title Quiz


Title Quiz

Topic: About you

 First: make a new folder in tvstudio

Second: Name the folder "Title Quiz"

Third: create a new Adobe project name it Title Quiz

6 total titles

**Your titles must be saved in the tvstudio " quiz 1" folder

***Your titles should have unique names

****Your titles should be in a bin

-Backgrounds will go on video line 1
-Word/ title slides will go on video line 2

Quiz Directions:

1A.  Create 3 full page background titles solid colors/ or colorful background- they  must be different
Create 3 Titles :  Each will have a unique word or phrase that describes you- Each has a different font
-Colors/ Drop Shadows/ Placement- requirements

(Use these times for this  Project)
-Each Background slide will be 4 seconds
-Each title slide is 4 seconds

A. You may NOT use a template

B. You must use three types of fonts (throughout this entire project)

D. It must be eye-catching

E. It must be clean and logical

F. You will include a transition between each d title
G. Must use the transition CROSS DISSOLVE  between all 6 slides

***transitions must coordinate