Monday, December 09, 2019


Watch the following tutorial:


Let's make it snow....digitally
1. place any selection of footage on video line 1
2. Here  comes the tricky part
3. You are going to create snow flakes/ dots in New Titles
4. Give them movement
5. You will probably have to create 15-20 titles of snow to place on top of the  main video 1
6. Give each line movement (Downward)
7. Make some flakes transparent

8. Poof, we have snow

tutorial 2
Split Screen: screen&FORM=VIRE
Use your project footage to create your own split screen project

Friday, November 01, 2019

News Package planning

Project 2
Students will plan, film and produce "fun" sections of the senior video
Students will be assigned groups and sections
1. script, storyboard and paragraph for ideas
2. watch example videos
3. collect and import footage

This must be turned in to by 11/22

News Package 1:

Group Names:____________________________________________

I. Idea / Package Concept 1:_____________________________
A. Paragraph to explain your package
B. List people to interview
C. List filming locations
D. Ideas for background video

II. Sounds
A. Write the intro
Include Introduction of reporter and what your package is about
B. Voice over 20 sec to 1 min (to be placed over footage)
C. Interview questions
-list each person and the questions you will ask them
-you must have different questions for each person
D. Outro and Throw BACK

III. Video
A. Location
B. Background footage
C. Walk through

Group Names:____________________________________________

I. Idea / Package Concept 2:_____________________________
A. Paragraph to explain your package
B. List people to interview
C. List filming locations
D. Ideas for background video

II. Sounds
A. Write the intro
Include Introduction of reporter and what your package is about
B. Voice over 20 sec to 1 min (to be placed over footage)
C. Interview questions
-list each person and the questions you will ask them
-you must have different questions for each person
D. Outro and Throw BACK

III. Video
A. Location
B. Background footage
C. Walk through

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Say Cheese

Today we are going to comfortable in front of the camera.

In-class notes:
1. Two types of interviews:
-Reporter in shot
-Reporter out of shot

2. Discuss having subject repeat the question in their answer

3. Establishing the shot

4. Now let's practice
-Each person in the class must be if the reporter is OUT of the shot
-Set up a location with a clean/ relevant background.

A. Create your own intro.
B. one person will ask, and you will answer the following questions

1. Name?
2. Age?
3. Favorite part about being in grade___?  Why?
4. Tell us one thing about yourself that others in HS would not know?
5. If you were given 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?  Why?
6. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you take with you and why?  It must be portable.  You must be able to carry it with you, even if you were swimming.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Practice project

Each person in each group will complete the following:

5 separate transitions
-Make sure your transitions are smooth, clear
-avoid choppy, blurry, purposeless video

Person-to person fade
Video Effects
2 separate person-to-person fades
-avoid choppy, blurry, purposeless video

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Video Requirements

Due for Thursday:
Formal storyboards

1. Paragraph
2. Story Boards
3. Formal Script
4. 30 seconds exactly
5. Must use titles and backgrounds
6. Must use video (edited video)
7. Transitions
8. Keyframes MUST be used at least 3 times

What is BHS?  Link below

Monday, September 16, 2019

What is BHS?

Sunday, January 04, 2009

What is BHS Package

-Students will use a rubric, gather into groups and brainstorm for each package: What is BHS?

-Students will create an initial write up, Initial cast and crew list, prop and costume list (Anything listed on the final script...due 2 days prior to production will result in a significant deduction)
-Camera directions must be very specific. (Anything listed on the final script...due 2 days prior to production will result in a significant deduction)

-Students are required to write comments on each rubric as project advances

Monday- Tuesday
Each student will create a formal storyboard and initial Treatment

-Students will turn in their storyboards immediately on Wednesday
-Final Script Thursday, 9/19 -This must be EXACT

Tuesday, Review storyboard ideas
1. Each student will present their ideas to the class
2. Students will be divided into groups of 3 or 4
3. Students will discuss each storyboard idea, select one and create a final treatment
4. Students will gather into groups and write a formal Treatment (Due on Friday)

Wednesday, 9/18- Turn in Treatment; All work must be approved by Mrs. Christian

Friday, 9/20 , Monday- Tuesday after fair- Video taping days

10/2-10/4 Wednesday- Friday-- Video Editing days

**All work must be exported into a folder on the TVSTUDIO server named "What is BHS?"

-Any work that is not exported by Monday, 10/7  will receive a ZERO

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Quiz 2

II. Your Favorite quiz

Create a folder named  Quiz 2 in tvstudio

2. Create two titles with 2 words that describe "your favorite"

(This should be two separate titles placed on top of each other....5 seconds each

A. make your words fade in and out.....0, 100, 100, 0
B. Make them spin a full rotation...0, 360
C.They should each move separately

3. Create a third full page title that is a background 10 seconds)
No words just pretty background
1. Place title one on the time line
2. next, place titles 2,3 together so you can work with them.

3. Put one type of transition between both titles we will go over this.
A. Place title/ with name on line 1
B. Next to this...not under or just background (background on bottom.....remember the sandwich rule.)
C. Place "2 words" above the just background title
D. do manipulations
E. Place a transition between first and second set....
Please make sure your hit "SAVE" after each title
and "Save" before closing.
**Do not hit "SAVE AS"

Monday, September 09, 2019


First: make a new folder in tvstudio

Second: Name the folder "video quiz 1"

Third: create a new Adobe project

**Your titles must be saved in the tvstudio "video quiz 1" folder

***Your titles should have unique names

****Your titles should be in a bin

Quiz Directions:

1. Create a full page title with your name

A. You may NOT use a template

B. You must use three types of fonts (throughout this entire project)

C. You must rotate or tilt one word in your title (In the three slides)

D. It must be eye-catching

E. It must be clean and logical