Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Intro to TV Studio

Week of 3/26
We will continue working on the text modules.

Goal: Students will learn about all aspects of television production
Students will write treatments
Students will write scripts

Holding the viewer’s attention

Production Steps:


Script Writing:

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, March 19, 2012

Online Text: Intro to TV Studio

Today we are going to explore various elements to in studio production.
We will begin with Module 1:http://www.internetcampus.com/tvp_ind.htm

Tuesday, 3/20: Read and take the quiz on the following sections: (Use the links below. Complete by the end of the period)

1. TV Production Overview Part 2:

2. Program Proposals and Treatments: (We will be using these during your productions)


Project Due by 3/23Students will create an Easter graphic using the following requirements
1. Must incorporate 3 tutorials
**1 must be KEYFRAMES
2. Clear message/ clean edits
3. bet. 15- 30 seconds long

Export into a folder entitled " Easter quiz"

Must turn in a script that indicates in-time of tutorials (When the tutorials appear in the video)

1 type transition

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Marketing & Advertising Project

Students will create their marketing/advertising project which targets high school students.


1.Kelly, David, Alex, and Ashton
2.Maddie, Jen, Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, and Kaileigh

Directions: Market and advertise a product of your choice that is revolutionary for high school students to have. Your product must be in the classroom on the day of your presentation. A poster does not count as a product; however, you will need to create one as a marketing mechanism.

What you need to create:
1. 30 second commercial
2. 15 second commercial
3. 10 second commercial
4. Storyboards: 1 for me & 1 for the presentation
5. Script for each commercial (3 scripts in total)
6. 1 poster to advertise/ market the product
7. 1 flyer

Things to include:
1. Description of the product
2. Price
3. Pros
4. Music
5. Transitions
6. Close-up shot in the 15 second commercial
7. Long-shot in the 30 second commercial

**Be persuasive in your advertising/marketing. Make me want to buy your product.
**You will be presenting your projects to the class.

Important Due Dates:
Periodical Check:
Friday 3/2/12
Final Videos & Scripts: Friday 3/9/12
Presentations & Supplies: Monday 3/12/12 & 3/13/12

Presentation Guidelines:

1. Explain who your target audience is and why?
2. Why you picked your product and how it is useful.
3. Discuss your marketing strategies.
4. Include a slogan.
5. Storyboards you present need to be put onto a poster board.
6. Flyer & poster need to be on display during presentation.
7. You need to explain everything you did in the Presentation and why you chose to do it that way.
8. Play all your commercials for the class.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced Create an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.Use precise language and specific detail