Sunday, December 11, 2011

News Package Assignment 2

Bell Ringer:
Watch a daily news package and ANSWER the following questions:
1. What is the main point in this package?
2. How did the reporter begin and end?
3. Were there varying shots?

Goal: Students will create timely news packages
Students will produce all aspects of the project
1. All planning sheets must be turned in for a grade by Friday, 12/16.....I will put zeros in my gradebook
2. Filming and importing- Monday, 12/19-Wednesday, 12/22
3.Editing must be completed by 12/22
4. Grading- 12/ exceptions

Friday, 12/16- All news package #1 project must be finalized
**Since several of you have finished early, I am posting the next assignment

1. Students are to produce a news package.

2. The topic of the package must be relevant after the taping and submission date (EX. don't work on a package that will "be old news" by the time it airs)

**Students are reminded to turn in their check list when the project is completed




2. Angle: (What EXACT point do you hope to accomplish?)





7. Ideas for background video:

8. Overview footage Ideas for Voice overs:

9. SCRIPT: Be sure to include your paragraph in your final packet

Closure: Each day students will evaluate/ peer evaluate their work

Project 2: Contest

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, December 04, 2011

News Packages

Bell Ringer:
Watch a daily news package and ANSWER the following questions:
1. What is the main point in this package?
2. How did the reporter begin and end?
3. Were there varying shots?

Monday, 12/5,0,1529315.story

Tuesday, 12/6,0,738169.story

Wednesday, 12/7

Thursday, 12/8

Friday, 12/9

NEWS PACKAGE: 1. Students are to produce a news package.

2. The topic of the package must be relevant after the taping and submission date (EX. don't work on a package that will "be old news" by the time it airs)

3. Planning Sheets (See Below) AND Scripts- Monday, 12/5
4. Filming and Importing Tuesday, 12/6 -Thursday, 12/8
**Students are expected to export by the end of class by Thursday, 12/8
5. Editing - Wednesday, 12/7 - Friday, 12/9
6. Grading - Monday, 12/12

**Students are reminded to turn in their check list when the project is completed




2. Angle: (What EXACT point do you hope to accomplish?)





7. Ideas for background video:

8. Overview footage Ideas for Voice overs:

9. SCRIPT: Be sure to include your paragraph in your final packet

Closure: Each day students will evaluate/ peer evaluate their work

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, November 28, 2011

News Packages

Bell Ringer:
Watch a daily news package and ANSWER the following questions:
1. What is the main point in this package?
2. How did the reporter begin and end?
3. Were there varying shots?




Goal: Students will learn about reporting the news and creating news packages
I. Watch introductory videos: How to report the news

II. Watch Channel 16 DVD on how to produce a news story

Tuesday: Watch introductory videos (see upper link) Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package" 1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.

Wednesday 2. We will watch professional news packages from WNEP. Students will take notes on format and tips.

1. The class will compile a "Reporter's checklist" to indicate steps and information needed in creating a news package.
2. Then Students will complete the planning sheet.

Friday: Students will present their planning sheets and discuss their news packages to the class
Students will begin the process of creating a news story

Overview:Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"
1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.
2. Students will generate ideas/ complete treatments for their projects.

Standard - 1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.
1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Saturday, November 05, 2011


Bell ringer: Using the comment link below, students should write 3-5 sentences discussing the progress of their current project. (Please note any milestones or problems)

Goal: Students will create story boards and scripts for their PSA
Students will present their concepts to the class
Students will evaluate peer concepts

Prom Video:

This is a video to encourage students to "think twice" before making bad decision such as drinking.

Since it will be aired during prom season. It is time to have fun and change some lives while you’re at it. The PA DUI Association The PA Association through the U-Turn campaign is challenging you to create a 30-second public service announcement video that encourages others to “Think again” about alcohol use and underage drinking and driving. The best part? You have the chance to win your own personalized U-Turn event! So get going. On the link (above) you’ll find some helpful hints on how to get started and the links to the right give you the nitty-gritty details. So grab your video camera and get going.

11/21-23 editing
11/23- export

Tuesday, 11/29 Preview and fix
Wednesday, 11/30 Final project due & Mist tutorial

**Both projects should be in separate folders in your tvstudio file

1. Each group will keep a log indicating what each person accomplished each day.
more specifically: don't write- Theresa taped

Standard - 1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium. 1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society. 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Music Video

Bell Ringer:
Each day we will begin class with our notebooks.
-Please indicate a topic of discussion. This can include problems, questions, evaluations of work

They say making a video is like making magic..........
............So, here's a chance to jump into a new world.

Monday, 10/31- Wednesday, 11/9
Today we are going to begin our first real project
1. Students will review the elements of a music video (Plot, Theme, matching vocals, Attribution)
2. Each student will pick out their favorite song
3. Students will create storyboards and write a paragraph to illustrate their ideas for approval
4. Students must turn in the lyrics to the song (Remember, Mrs. C. IS listening!!)



A. We have 4 video cameras to sign out, so students will need to sign up to video tape.
B. Students will be able to video tape between Monday, 10/31- Wednesday, 11/2
-All filmed footage must be exported by Wednesday, 11/2

C. All formal video is due by Monday, 11/7
** Editing is expected to be completed throughout the project.
***Tuesday, 11/8 Preview day (Class)
****Wednesday, 11/9 final export by end of period

D. During this time, students will create a new folder for their projects (Entitled: Name Music Video) -All work must be saved in this project
E. each time you film, you will be responsible for importing your footage

F. Students will review the Music Video score sheets and discuss requirements
G. During the filming period, one video tutorial must be completed: Basic Instructions Tutorial
-Complete this while you are waiting for others to film


Closure Activity:
Students will evaluate the work of their peers

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Video Resume Intro

Objective: To introduce students to basic script writing, production planning and organization.
Students will be able to utilize enhancement video and audio software

A. Students will incorporate key frames and Sound Forge into their project:

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a storyboard
3. Students will create a script using the format discussed in class on Friday
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick two selections of music for the video and print out lyrics...straight music usually works better

Project: Video Resume - This will be a creative introduction that will allow the viewer to experience YOU
I am _____?
1. Students will video and edit one 15 second scene
2. Students will create a video entitled: I am ______ (fill in your name)

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

1. Must use a title keyframe
2. Timing tutorial must be incorporated (We want your photos and footage to correspond to your music.

10/17-10/18 (Monday and Tuesday)
Students will edit their videos at their desks

10/18- Students will export their videos
**Prior to export, students will walk around and evaluate the videos

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Video Resume


Bell Ringer: Monday - Tuesday

Students will participate in a review of various Adobe Elements

Wednesday - Thursday: Students will discuss their most important qualities and peer evaluate ideas

Friday- Peer evaluate before export

Objective: To introduce students to basic script writing, production planning and organization.
Students will be able to utilize enhancement video and audio software

A. Students will incorporate key frames and Sound Forge into their project:

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a storyboard
3. Students will create a script using the format discussed in class on Friday
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick two selections of music for the video and print out lyrics...straight music usually works better

Project: Video Resume - This will be a creative introduction that will allow the viewer to experience YOU
I am _____?
1. Students will video and edit one 15 second scene
2. Students will create a video entitled: I am ______ (fill in your name)

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

1. Must use a title keyframe
2. Timing tutorial must be incorporated (We want your photos and footage to correspond to your music.

Students will brainstorm ideas and create a paragraph with ideas for a storyboard;
Watch timing tutorial **It is needed in their project

Students will create storyboards, select music and meet with Mrs. Christian
Once approved, students will create initial scripts (Homework)

10/12 - Begin filming Intro statement for video resume / Mark for importing
10/13- Edit video resume footage
10/14 -Export final /statements

Tutorials - Due 10/14 - Timing

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Key Frames

10/3- 10/5
Key Frames
Titles and Key frames

Students will be able to use and incorporate key frames into their productions
Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production
Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects
Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro / 6.5
Students will review basic editing skills/ techniques for the first project

Bell Ringer:
Monday - Wednesday - Students will participate in a review of various Adobe Elements

Monday - Sound Forge
Tuesday - Sound Effects
Wednesday - Key Frames

Monday, 10/3:
Students will review the Key frame tutorial at their desks, add to their instructional notes and practice the tutorial

Students will create a practice key frame project
(Please save it in a new folder named : PRACTICE KEY FRAME)

Students will watch first productions

Tuesday, 10/4
Teacher will review basic editing and key frames and allow students to begin their quiz

Wednesday, 10/5:
Video Quiz
1. Students will log on and go to the TV studio server

2. Create a new Adobe Project : Place it in a folder called: Key frame Quiz 1
(Make this folder in YOUR folder.)

3. Save your Save your project in this new folder

4. Use the background located in the folder entitled "Dropped Video"

5. Using your name, Create a new title

6. Make it a new color

7. Using key frames

A. Make your title spread and grow twice it's size

B. This will occur in the middle of your project

C. Your title will remain in it's original size at the beginning and end of the video

D. Your video must pause in the middle (Use two key frames in the center to accomplish this.

E. Your title must fade in and fade out

F. Export your completed project to your new folder and call it "Final Quiz 1"

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Staging Project
Opening Activity: (Must be completed at the very beginning of class each day)
9/19- Meet with your group and discuss an organized editing schedule
9/20- Peer review the editing work of the other members of your group
9/21- Watch tutorial video 2- title crawl
9/22- Review works for export; Final staging package; Final export
9/23 Peer evaluation before final export --The is the Last day. All works must be exported by the end of the period
Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production

Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects
Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro / 6.5
Students will review basic editing skills/ techniques for the first project

Assignment 1:

Students will learn basic editing techniques
Students will create their first project

1. You will create an interactive scene utilizing several camera shots and movements.
Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects

Directions: On Last week's blog

Daily Plan: (Mrs. Christian will conduct a short lesson each day before you begin your project)
Monday: Review of adding lines and transform filter
Tuesday: Cutting and rubber bands
Wednesday: Incorporating music and music rubber bands
Thursday: Review tutorial steps for timing
Friday: Project Checklist
Due Dates
edit and finalize videos
9/19- 9/20 - All footage must be imported including sound effects
-Each group member must have one specified editing job
9/21-9/22- Editing project
9/23- Final Export day
9/23- Tutorial must be completed and exported by the end of the period

1. Timing Tutorial
**Each person will complete their own tutorial project.
**Each student will take notes on the tutorial
**Each group will incorporate the timing tutorial in their video

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, September 12, 2011


Assignment 1
Opening Activity: (Must be completed at the very beginning of class each day)
9/12- Meet with your group and discuss an organized editing schedule
9/13- Watch tutorial video 1- basic intro **Rem. to take notes on the tutorials. You will be using these skills all year
9/14- Watch tutorial video 2- title crawl

9/15- Review works for export; Final staging package; Final export
9/16= Peer evaluation before final export --The is the Last day. All works must be exported by the end of the period
Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production

Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects
Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro / 6.5
Students will review basic editing skills/ techniques for the first project

Assignment 1:

Students will learn basic editing techniques
Students will create their first project

1. You will create an interactive scene utilizing several camera shots and movements.
Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters interact with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
5. You must include the following:

180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots
Dolly zoom

High Angle/ Low Angle

Close Up and ECU

-Title Crawl Tutorial

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Daily Plan: (Mrs. Christian will conduct a short lesson each day before you begin your project)
Monday: a general walk through of Adobe 6.5- You will work on project after discussion
Tuesday: Bins and organization
Wednesday: SAVING a project; Exporting
Thursday: Title Crawls
Friday: Project Checklist
Due Dates
Students will film videos
9/14- Tutorials must be completed and exported by Friday
9/16 - All filming complete; videos must be IMPORTED and saved into a proper folder
9/19-9/21- Editing project
9/22- Final Export day

1. Basic Instructions
2. Title Crawl

**Each person will complete their own tutorial project.
**Each student will take notes on the tutorial
**Each group will incorporate a crawling title in their video

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Assignment 1
9/6 - 9/9
Opening Activity:
9/6- Meet with your group and discuss an organized editing schedule
9/7- Watch tutorial video
9/8- Watch tutorial video
9/9- Review works for export: Final staging package; Final export

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production
Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their projects
Students will understand how to utilize title techniques in Adobe Premiere Pro
***We will be forced to use Adobe 6.5 for a short time. It appears that Pro was not installed on our computer

Assignment 1:

Students will learn basic editing techniques
Students will create their first project

1. You will create an interactive scene utilizing several camera shots and movements.
Project: Staging


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters interact with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
5. You must include the following:

180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots
Dolly zoom

High Angle/ Low Angle

Close Up and ECU

-Title Crawl Tutorial

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Due Dates
9/6-9/9 Students will edit videos
9/9 - All videos must be exported and saved into a proper folder

9/2-9/9/11- Tutorials (must be completed by Thursday)

1. Basic Instructions
2. Title Crawl

**Each person will complete their own tutorial project.
**Each student will take notes on the tutorial
**Each group will incorporate a crawling title in their video

Closure Activity: Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Project - taping days

Assignment 1
Opening Activity:
9/1- How are you contributing to your group's project?
9/2- Discuss two important camera angles in your project

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production
Students will understand and utilize title format in Adobe Pro
Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their scripts and planning
Students will understand script writing and format

Assignment 1:

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a storyboard
3. Students will create a story board and script using the format discussed in class
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick a selection of music for the video and print out lyrics

1. You will create an interactive scene utilizing several camera shots and movements.
Project: Staging


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters interact with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
5. You must include the following:

180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots
Dolly zoom

High Angle/ Low Angle

Close Up and ECU

-Title Crawl Tutorial

-You must memorize all steps and actions.
** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Due Dates
9/1-Scripts are due
9/2 - 9/6- taping days (We do not have school on Monday)
9/2-9/9- Tutorials (must be completed by Friday)

**All projects will be finalized -(that means exported) - by Friday, 9/9
1. Basic Instructions
2. Title Crawl

Closure Activity:
Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Assignment 1
8/29-- 8/31
Opening Activity: Watch the following clip and discuss the angles and movements

8/29- Discuss one incident where you saw the world through a "Camera Shot"

8/30- Write a mini-script using close up, dolly, pan, tilt in a logical manner

8/31 - Write a mini-script using dolly zoom

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production

Students will incorporate camera movement and angles into their scripts and planning
Students will understand script writing and format

Assignment 1:

1. Students will create an overview paragraph with their ideas for the project
2. Students will illustrate their ideas using a storyboard
3. Students will create a story board and script using the format discussed in class
(the template is in shared - journalism II - info folder)

4. Students will pick a selection of music for the video and print out lyrics

1. You will create an interactive scene utilizing several camera shots and movements.
Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters interact with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
5. You must include the following:

180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots
Dolly zoom

High Angle/ Low Angle

Close Up and ECU

-Title Crawl Tutorial

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

** There must be a theme and purpose for the music selected for the video. In other words, the video must serve a purpose and be easily understood by any viewer

1. No jumpy or sloppy footage
2. Clean, purposeful cuts
3. Only one type of transition (ex. Fade)
4. 3 seconds of black in the beginning --Use the title maker to create a tag for your video
(In the bot. Left corner, include your name, period, title of the video and the two songs)
5. 3 seconds of black at the end of the video
6. There must be clear purpose for the video / music
7. All filming must be completed in approved locations or the student will lose their filming privileges for the year.

Due Dates

Students will brainstorm ideas and create a paragraph with ideas for a storyboard

8/30 Scripts and Story Boards are due

**Students will create storyboards, meet with Mrs. Christian
Once approved, students will create initial scripts

8/30-9/2 - taping days

8/30-9/2 Tutorials (must be completed by Friday)

1. Basic Instructions
2. Title Crawl

Closure Activity:

Since you are venturing into new territory, please indicate something that is going well in your project. You may also indicate any problems or questions.

1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction 1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Friday, August 26, 2011

Your Turn - Camera Information

Friday, 8/26
Opening Activity: Watch the following clip and discuss the angles and movements

Goal: Students be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.

Students will discuss the following planning and technique tips

Students will choreograph a project



PLAN -If you plan your shots in advance you'll get your shots more quickly. Directors of big budget films frequently create tight drawing called storyboards of every single shot in their movie before they every start a camera, a process that could take months. However, I will settle for doodles of each shot and camera angle/ change.

Plan...but be ready to improvise, too. It's like singing a song. You don't need to know the whole thing, but don't start without knowing what the tune and first verse are.


A good video trick is a short video trick. If your idea takes more that a page to describe, it's probably too long.


You must be believable. If seven books fall on your foot, react in pain. It is essential that your audience believe what your are doing on film.

(Hideous acting can be great only if it is incredibly bad!!)

Basic elements:

Coordinating a scene is very much like choreographing a dance move. All participants must rehearse...this includes the production staff.

Establish your shot- Give the audience a big first view so they understand the context of your production. Capture the entire set/ background/ scene.

Camera Angles- see worksheet

The 180 rule- When you are shooting a character, stay to one side of them. If you are filming the right side, do not switch to the left. This will leave your shot awkward and unbalanced.

Eye line match-This is two or more shots. Show your character looking something or pointing to it. Hold this shot for a few seconds, then cut to what they are looking at. Be sure that the second shot is shot from his/ her eye level and angle.

Over the shoulder shots- switch back and forth between your subjects

Action shots- Mike stands on a bench, looks down and jumps. As he begins to jump, cut to a different view.

The Dolly shot- move with your subject. Sometimes it is easier to roll with your subject.

**Storyboards are required and MUST match up to your video. You will only receive 50% of your grade if you cannot provide this element of planning.

Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. Discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. Discuss shots and sound effects

Sample Video:


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters take a few choreographed movements with each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting
4. One sound effect must be used
180 rule
Eye line Match
Over the Shoulder Shots
Action Shots

5. -You must memorize all steps and actions.

EX: ""ll start with one jab. You duck. Then you do two jabs , and I'll duck. Next,...)

The sound effect person must practice too.

Directions for shots:
A. In the middle of a coordinated shot, stop the camera and switch to a new point of view, over the shoulder. This way you can use the momentum of the action to carry through the cut. It keeps the action moving)

B. The big trick. Shoot over the shoulder . If the camera man backs away and zooms in, you'll create an illusion that the fighters are much closer than they really are.

C. Camera will be in full zoom 5 to 6 feet away from the subject

Placement: In a fight scene:
-The fighters are always too far apart to actually reach each other. On top of which, everybody knows what is going to happen's practice!

Add sound effects and let's get started!!!!!

Closure Activity:
Friday, 8/26 – Discuss one camera angle that will be important to your production.
Monday, 8/29 – Quiz

1.2.11.B-Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced 1.5.11.B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic 1.5.11.C- Write with controlled and/ or subtle organization

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Camera Angles/ Movement

8/26 – Journalism II
Bell Ringer: What do you notice in the linked video?
Write your responses in your notebooks.

Camera Angles/ Movement
Students will identify important visual terms (such as long-shot, close-up, camera angle) that are used on television and in movies and begin to recognize that these angles/ movements affect meaning.
Camera Direction/ Angles
Students will review camera direction, angles, transitions and key elements to planning a video project.

Students will review two handouts on camera direction/ angles
Students will discuss a packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action


Why is it important for students to be aware of camera-subject distance, perhaps before addressing any other aspect of movies and television?

Television is made up of hundreds and thousands of pictures, called shots, each of which must be carefully planned. The long shot, medium shot, and close-up (and many other camera-subject distances such as the medium long shot and extreme close-up) are the basis of editing in movies and on television.

Without these shots, the person who edits the movie, TV show, or commercial would have nothing to work with. Editing, in nearly all cases, is the combining of long shots, medium shots, and close-ups to create an effective visual presentation. Camera-subject distance is the basis for visual editing.

It is essential for students to have a clear understanding of camera-subject distance before they begin to analyze television programs and movies and before they begin to create their own productions on video.

Assessment: (Monday, 8/29) Students will be given a quiz on all of the terms and packet

Closure Activity: What types of camera angles do you see in the linked video?

Please post your comments using the comment section on the blog.
1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, August 01, 2011

Script Format

Name(s) : _____________________________________________ Project Title:________________________________ Date:________________________

Time Video Audio Shots/ Angles Location Notes Props/ sets

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Final Check List

Final Exam Check List:
The following items must be turned in to Mrs. Christian. Please make sure that you have your own copies of the following information: (This is required to receive full credit)
1. Script/ Outline of three chapters – Indicate any titles, tutorials, transitions, special effects
2. List of music
3. Exported Version
-The final exam must be in your JOURNALISM FOLDER
-Please make a folder entitled: EXPORT
-Place the export in this folder

4. All videos must be turned in by the end of the final exam period on
Underclassmen: Thursday, June 2, 2011
Seniors: Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Project 1

Video- 4/5 - 4/11
1. Students will review and evaluate their first video projects

Goal: Students will create a 20 second video entitled WHAT IS BHS?

1. The class will divide itself into 2 groups
2. Students will brainstorm ideas for the project
3. Students will create an overview paragraph
4. Students will create a script stating what and who they will be filming
5. Students will make a list of all filming locations
6. Students must use the following elements:
A. 1 video effect B. Title C. Fade in/ Fade out (Transitions are optional)

7. Music is optional (There will be several choices in the tvstudio folder under j1music)

8. The video must be exported as BHS in a folder named BHS
**Make a new folder for this project

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In Studio Project

You will work as a group

Your group will produce an original game show or talk show or something similar

Due Dates:
3/17- General scripts, studio boxing, and outtake scripts are due
Turn in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)

3/18-List of props and costumes

3/31- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits)
Commercials must be completed and exported to a specified folder (3 commercials : 2 ten second commercials and 1 fifteen second commercial)
-Please include your commercials in this folder. Keep your folder organized. Make sub folders: Commercials, Outtakes, Graphics, Intro Video, Exit Video, etc.

3/30-- Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!

-I expect all camera directions (Cues and Cuts)
-Stage directions must be included in parenthesis
-A master list at the top of the script
-A prop and dress list
-A brief description of all characters and their characteristics
-Include any music that needs to be played during the production
-Incorporate all "video outtake cues" in the scripts....Intro graphic, commercials, etc....
-A list of all film locations

Dates: 1 day practice, 2 days taping:

*4/11-4/13 - re tape date, 4/15 - Group 2 Studio Practice and Tape Date - Mollie's group

*4/18-4/20 - re tape date, 4/22 - Group 1 Studio Practice and Tape Date - Laura's group

*4/25 - 4/27 re tape date, 4/29 - Group 3 Studio Practice and Tape Date - Margaret's group

5/2 -5/6- Editing days (You may rerecord any short scene in the tv studio at this time)

5/9, 5/10, 5/11 Viewing days (Bring popcorn)

Checklist for final folder
1. List all group member names
2. Include: 3/17- General scripts and paragraphs --in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)
-List of props and costumes
- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits) - Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!
3. Print out a script for every member participating including the studio staff
4. Put a name on each script
5. Have a pre-production discussion ready. You will have to inform every person in the class of your project

1.4.11B Write complex informational pieces
1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Monday - Thursday, 3/17
1. Students will gather in their production groups and complete the following:

A. Studio Map
B. Character list and description
C. Script (with formal dialogue/ movements and camera instructions)
D. Students will write scripts for both in studio and out of studio productions.

After the scripts are approved, students can begin filming out of studio segments

**Remember, if your group work becomes slow, you should begin to work on your final exam


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brainstorm Day

In your groups:

1. 2 concepts for a show

2. (All people in class will be utilized)

3. Characters/ roles

4. Background/ props

5. costumes

7. Music

8. Incorporation of ads

9. Intro/ outro (videos and spoken cues)

10. Detail of each character

11. Segments to be filmed - in detail (Not: we will film kids outside of the school)

12. Transitions from segment to segment

13. Cast/ crew positions/ lists

14. What audience will this be aimed at

15. What will you do to target your audience?

16. Other

Monday, February 28, 2011

Prepare for presentation

Goal: Students will work in their groups and prepare a presentation for Wednesday.

Finish all parts of the project

Students should outline their presentations and make sure that each group member is ready to speak on Wednesday.

Friday, February 04, 2011


Group Project

1. Students will work in groups of 2-3



1. Create a Company and a Product to advertise
2. Create a company logo
3. Create a slogan for your product
4. Discuss Marketing Ideas (How will you get your product to the people, What type of campaign will you use, Why is your company the best one to promote this product)
-To accomplish this, you must research similar companies and products on the Internet. Study their campaigns, company policies etc.)

Group Advertising / PR Project

I. Submit a paper indicating your group members
Name your advertising firm
Create a logo for your ad firm

II. Marketing
-You are going to market and advertise a product, service or message
Select a “product / subject” for your project
Create a formal presentation
Using charts and graphs
A. Depict a market and a public
B. Indicate your target audience
C. Indicate how your marketing plan will
increase sales/ public interest
D. Indicate gender/age/ audience; demographic regions and targets for advertising
your product
E. Convince the class that you would be the best
firm to sell this product/ idea

Finding Publics
Conduct Surveys
Oral Polls
Write Objectives (Awareness…etc) (in book)
Responsible for collecting and analyzing all data
Put information on posters and present to the class
Find Geographical areas to be covered
And demographic
Gender, location, Age etc.
Find target audience

III. Advertising
Tell the class your concept for the three ads you will produce
Display story boards……..The class must be able to view your story boards from their seats
Discuss the content of your ad


Create three ads
Two 15 second commercials
One 30 second commercial

-Brainstorm 10 concepts for advertising plan
10 different scenarios and write them down
pick three plans that are most marketable and establish details
make brochures and fliers and radio add (first plans)
describe plans
create story boards for each commercial
pick and vote on top plan

IV. Rules:
Do not produce garbage
Short fragments and sentences will not be accepted

V. Grading

The groups will be graded by the class
Each section of the project will receive a grade
All requirements must be met by the assigned deadlines
Have Fun!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Advertising Project:
Read Chapter 12: Objectives and Strategies for Public Relations Writing.(pgs 265 -275)

Chapter Review
I. Read and discuss the chapter.
A. Each student should have a detailed understanding of the key terms and concepts in the chapter.
B. After reading the chapter, students will be broken into groups
C. Students will summarize and present their topics and key terms.
D. The class will discuss, copy and analyze terms

Answers should include Section Headings, Subtopics, Key terms and Definitions.
(The terms will be turned in for a 100 point grade. Each section will be checked)

Public Relations Audit
Customer Base
Target Audience
Awareness objectives
Acceptance objectives
Action Objectives
Ad Reviews
II. Discuss popular advertising commercials, magazine and newspaper ads, billboards and radio ads.

A. Each student must write a page about a specific ad campaign. The company must be in accordance with school policy.
1. Discuss the ad (SLOGANS, LOGOS, PURPOSE)
2. Discuss the gender and age group targeted
3. Discuss the Publics, Markets and Audiences
4. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or Why not?
5 Discuss colors in the ads. How do they accent/ highlight the product?
6. Discuss the placement of the ads (Where they appear, When they appear, How they appear)
7. Evaluate the marketing campaign. Discuss the pros and cons of the campaign.
8. Bring in a sample of the ad campaign: tape a commercial, cut out a magazine ad for your product or find info. on the product with visuals from the Internet.
9. Each person will present their advertisement findings to the class. The class will discuss each campaign.

After going over the terms please view the first two commercials:

With a partner please answer the following questions in the comment section of this blog:
These questions will be worth 25 points. Please answer them carefully.

1. Discuss the ad's logo

2. Discuss the ad's slogan

3. Discuss the gender and age group targeted

4. Discuss the Markets and Audiences

5. Discuss the content of the ad: What appears in the ad to promote the product? Does it work? Why or why not?

Monday, January 10, 2011

News Package 2

News Packages
1/10-1/21 (Friday)

Students will review the various elements for creating a "News Package"

1. Students should get their journalism notebooks.

2. Students will generate ideas/ complete treatments for their projects.

**The following are guidelines. This does not mean that you have to WAIT until the deadline. Filming and written work can be turned in much earlier.....I would suggest it!

Thursday, 1/13- complete filming

-Make necessary changes
-Remember to Set up appointments to film
Friday, 1/21- Turn in final videos by the end of the period
Friday, 1/21
-Please drop your video as soon as you return from filming each day
-You must sign out a camera even if you are using it during specified periods throughout the school day.

4. Review tutorials: - Tutorials are to be completed when you have free time during the project.
-All tutorials are due by Thursday, 1/29.

CG Infinity; Cool 3 D

Once you view the tutorial, take notes on it and create your own
Export your work to the folder labeled : lower thirds and Scroll
(Go to "TVSTUDIO" SERVER and look for these folders )

PLANNING SHEET - If you need to turn in a new one
2. Angle: (What EXACT point do you hope to accomplish?)


7. Ideas for background video:
8. Overview footageIdeas for Voice overs:

Be sure to include your paragraph in your final packet

Standard -
1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.
1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced