You will work as a group
Your group will produce an original game show or talk show
Due Dates:
11/4- General scripts and paragraphs are due
Turn in a typed position list utilizing all students in the class (list names and positions)
11/5-List of props and costumes
11/10- Graphics must be exported to a specified folder and ready to use (These graphics will include an introduction and a conclusion for your show. Also, you should create your scrolling credits)
11/11- Final typed script is due.........Make sure all directions and information is on this script. It must be specific!!
11/13 and 11/17- Group 1 Studio practice
11/18- Commercials must be completed and exported to a specified folder
11/19 - Studio / Official video day
11/20 - 11/21 - Editing day
11/24- Viewing day (Bring popcorn)