Friday, September 24, 2021

Project 1 - 15 second video

 Skills:  Students will learn how to fade audio and video in/ out 

1. Create a folder in your tvstudio student folder- 15 second video + your initials

2. Create a new Adobe Premiere Pro Project with the same title.


4. Create a story board with your rough drawings and general detail


5. On the back, write a quick paragraph describing what you  hope to accomplish

6. Make a formal script.


a. be sure to fill in all of the boxes.  include time of each shot/ title, description and camera shots/ angles/ movements

7. turn your storyboard in to google classroom

 8. Turn your script into google classroom - you need Mrs. C.'s  approval

Project directions:

A. You are going to create a 15 second video

B. Topic: your choice

C. You must select a theme, plan your project and record your footage

D. You must begin with a 3 second title that fades in and cross desolves into your first scene

E. All taping must be completed in my classroom or in the hall outside of  my room

(You may not record at home or at any other places in the school)

F. You must provide your own props

G. This is an individual project.

H. Story boards due: Monday, 9/27

I. Scripts due: Tuesday, 9/28

H, Recording day, 9/29

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Title Quiz 1



First: make a new folder in tvstudio

Second: Name the folder "video quiz 1"

Third: create a new Adobe project

**Your titles must be saved in the tvstudio "video quiz 1" folder

***Your titles should have unique names

****Your titles should be in a bin

Quiz Directions:

1. Create a 3 SEPARATE full page titles with Berwick, High, School (No Backgrounds)- No Background, just your name
*These are three sep. titles
**You must use three different types of fonts. And three different designs

A. You may NOT use a template

B. Create 3 Separate Backgrounds.   (throughout this entire project)

C. Using keyframes, have your first title appear in the following manner:  Very tiny and grow to be large and in the center of your screen.

D. Using keyframes, rotate or tilt your second title.

E. Using video effects (Use Distort- Transform), use any video effect option under TRANSFORM

F. It must be eye-catching

G. It must be clean and logical

H. Use transitions between each title.
**For each break, use the same transition between your title and your background.  Same time, same transition

**You may use different transitions per break, BUT they have to be the same on top and bottom.

Friday, September 03, 2021


 Friday, 9/3


Wednesday, September 01, 2021


 Wednesday, Camera shot, angle, and movement practice exercise:

1.       Scenario 1

A.      A. A river with a tiny bunny in the left bottom corner

B.      B. Move your camera in physically to a complete shot of the bunny with a little background showing

C.      C. Move your physical camera left and angle up to a bird in the big sky

D.      D. Get a shot of the sky by standing still and moving your camera left to right

E.       E. Switch/ cut to a scene with two people and their entire bodies

F.     F.  The next shot should be of the same  two people talking facing each other.  You will see one person’s back.

G. G. This will require two boxes: A. Begin with a shot of a dog's head  B. Physically move your camera backward to a shot of the entire dog

 Place your answers on the storyboard.  Draw each scene, and list the camera angles, movements, and shots below each box.