Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Assignment: Ideas for BASH TV's Virtual Segment

Assignment:  Ideas for BASH TV’s Virtual Segment
We are trying to produce a weekly virtual segment of BASH TV to unite our school.  However, we need your help.  In this week’s assignment, we are asking you to write down 20 ideas for our future segments.
(Our first two segment topics were “What do you miss from school” and “Your Pets”)

Please turn this assignment in by Tuesday, May 5, 2020.  Turn it in through Google Classroom.  (You can use Kami, Word, or whatever method you are comfortable using.)

Thursday, April 02, 2020

All About Me Project

Project 1:  Please continue to work on your Positive New Article Assignment (Click on this link:

Project 2:
(Due Dates: At this time, I would like the planning sheets by Thursday, 4/9/2020.
Once I approve it, you may begin writing captions and gathering pics.  We will have several weeks to work on this project)

Since we have time, I would like you to begin the following project:  It's Always Nice to Create Memories.

I. Read the directions and fill out the planning sheet below: Please turn your planning sheets in to  or email them to me at before you begin.  I need to approve all planning sheets)

1. Students will create an Adobe PowerPoint  entitled "All About Me"  where you can showcase 3 chapters/ favorite parts of your lives.(You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

You will be featuring three chapters of your life.
EXAMPLE: Main title:  All About Mrs. Theresa Christian
3 Chapters/ Subsections: A. My Family
                                           B. My Friends
                                           C. My Dog Velcro

(You may use any subsection/ chapter as long as it is Mrs. Christian rated.  

Possible Topic Ideas:  My Freshman Year;  This Year; Growing Up; My Baby Pics;  When I was younger:  Elementary school; My hobbies; ME; My best selfies; My favorite way to spend time; My favorite foods; The way I spend my days; My pets; the possibilities are endless)

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the PowerPoint
3. Titles and captions are required throughout the project 
4. Students should create a minimum of 17 slides that should include:
- 1 Main title slide with your name and any other fun facts about you
- 3 Subsection/ chapter title slides which indicate each aspect of your life you want to share
            -After each subtitle/ chapter, include 4 slides with pictures and captions.
            -All subtitle
.-4 Pictures after each Subsection / Chapters must include pics and captions

- 1 Closing slide
*The closing slide must conclude your project.  You should write a short statement that sums up this project.  (A short concluding paragraph).


***GOAL:  to organize, gather, and caption pictures/ memories.

Project Planning Sheet for your 17 slides:

A. NAME:_______________________________________

B. Overall Theme: "All About _______________________________

C. Subsection I Topic:__________________________

     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

D. Subsection 2 Topic:__________________________
     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

E. Subsection I Topic:__________________________
     1. Pic 1 Caption:___________________________
     2. Pic 2 Caption:__________________________
     3. Pic 3 Caption:_____________________________
     4. Pic 4 Caption:______________________________  *Captions should appear on ea. slide

F. Concluding paragraph:   ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

G. Questions or concerns: