Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Goal: Students will become familiar with the television studio

Monday - Thursday: Students will plan studio project
1. Please make sure you have the following
-formal script (with camera directions, props, staging, camera movement, dialogue, stage directions, graphics and all director information)
-blocking maps

2. Select and record commercials on formal script
3. Discuss, plan and create outtakes
4. Position list
5. Organizational plan sheet

Friday- Wednesday - Work on final exams

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, April 09, 2012

Work on All About Me Video

Goal: Students will continue working on their final project
Students will have sufficient work on their time lines for Friday's check

1. All students should work on their Adobe Premiere projects.
2. There will be a 50 point check on Friday. I will monitor the progress of the All About Me Project
3. On Thursday and Friday, we will go into the studio

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced