Sunday, January 29, 2012

Classroom Project

GOAL: Students will plan and implement an original package for the Allstate contest
Students will begin to plan, implement and organize the final exam video

Students will also continue to work on their contest video

During days when the contest video will be waiting information, new footage or new facts, students should be working on the initial stages of their final exam video. Students should be gathering and organizing content for the three chapter video project.

Dates: Monday, 1/30 - Progress check
Wednesday, 2/1 - Students will orally present their progress and present a section of their video
**at this time, they can show a selection, ask questions, seek input or helpful suggestions
Friday, 2/3- Journals due to

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
Create an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.Use precise language and specific detail

Thursday, January 12, 2012

GOAL: Students will plan and implement an original package for the Allstate contest
Students will begin to plan, implement and organize the final exam video

Students will also continue to work on their contest video

Please keep working on the contest video. I assume you have started filming.

I still haven't seen paperwork from many.

Let's get going!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Students will complete a video quiz today

1. All students need to make a quad pip using a theme
-The theme can be any type of video or pictures...ex: Flowers, Friends, etc
2. After all of your four images are on the screen, please make a title indicating your theme.
3. Ex. IF your theme was flowers, you would have all four images grow using keyframes. Once they were all in their appropriate coordinates and still, a title should pop out. This title might say....FLOWERS
4. Be sure to stick to your theme
5. Save this project in a folder called : "PIP QUIZ"
6. Make sure all contents are in the folder including your export.
7. I will be grading your export from home

**I looked over the storyboards from the students who completed them. They are on my desk. Please check them out.

***If I don't see storyboards from the others by 3:00 today, they will receive a 0/100

Get to work guys!! Good Luck!!
NO Talking!!

Friday, January 06, 2012

GOAL: Students will plan and implement an original package for the Allstate contest
Students will begin to plan, implement and organize the final exam video

Students will also continue to work on their contest video

Monday, 1/9 - Students will turn in scripts and storyboards for the contest project
Tuesday - Thursday - film
*If you are not working, please plan your final
**First Journal - Monday, 1/16

Introduction / Overview of the Final Exam Project
(Must be completed before you begin the FINAL EXAM PROJECT)


1. Present your TIMELINE on the Smart Board
2. Point out any specifics…ex: How your titles create your theme, How you used something consecutively throughout your video
3. Discuss the chapters of your project: You must tell a little about each section
4. Describe the section you are going to present
5. After we watch this section, discuss problems or seek ideas for improvement

1. Theme:
a. Specific:
b. Specific:
c. Specific:

2. Chapters


3. Problems/ areas of advice needed:




CH. 1 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 2 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 3 THEME:__________________________________

SCHEDULED DAYS:__________________________________

I agree to work on my projects on the days indicated above. I realize that Mrs. Christian will check my folders every Wednesday and grade my progress. If I fail to work on my projects, I understand that my grade will be drastically reduced. Also, I realize that I am required to turn in my video log for my final exam every Friday. It will be returned on Monday whereas I will continue to change and update my project.

Also, I will check the blog daily to see any additions, requirements or updates for both projects. I will follow all project requirements indicated on the blog.

SIGNATURE:_____________________________ DATE:______________________

(There will be "down" days where you will have little to do on your other project. You will need to set up a work schedule with me. EX: Work on Final Exam on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Work on individual project Mon and Fri.)

-You will need to select a schedule and sign a contract before the end of the week.
-Again, you will have video checks on Wednesdays.

1. Students are required to create a 5 minute (MIN.) video entitled "All About Me" (You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the video
3. 6 titles are required
4. Students must use 4 tutorials and 2 video effects.
5, Any transition combination may be used throughout the video
6. Any jumpy video segment or poor audio segment will result in a deduction of 10 points for each problem area.
7. Students will showcase three chapters of their lives.
8. Students may convert old videos, scan old photos (if you use photos, you must use the timing tutorial to assure that they go along with the video.)
9. Students are encouraged to record voice overs and utilize sound effects.

1. Students are required to turn in a working video log. This is like a script. You will outline each chapter and provide written details of any specifics that will be in the video. You will select audio and indicate song times....ex. 0:00-20 seconds. (Also, include highlighted lyrics for this section of the music)

2. Create your log in script form: Video/ audio/ details (Logs will be turned in every Friday)

3. Each chapter must have purpose

-The final exam must be exported before your final exam period ends.
-I will be in my classroom every day until 3:00 and I am here every Wednesday until 4:30
**You will need extra time, so please take advantage of this early start.
**We only have one scanner, you may scan at home and bring photos in on disc.
**Please see me before converting video that is not digital

**Final exam must be exported into a folder entitled "2008 FINAL"

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, January 02, 2012

Contest Video

Happy New Year!!!!
Quad Pip Tutorial
Goal: Students will learn to calculate and divide the visual area using the Quad Pip Tutorial

Students will watch the Quad Pip Tutorial and complete the following assignment:

3 exports are required
Export 1: Quad Pip (4)
Export2: Tri Pip (3)
Export 3: Octo Pip (8)

A. Each tutorial should start with 1 full screen image
B. Each tutorial should end with 1 full screen image
C. Be sure to fade in and out

-Please make sure your areas are equal
-Use clear footage or photos

Students will also continue to work on their contest video

Introduction / Overview of the Final Exam Project
(Must be completed before you begin the FINAL EXAM PROJECT)


1. Present your TIMELINE on the Smart Board
2. Point out any specifics…ex: How your titles create your theme, How you used something consecutively throughout your video
3. Discuss the chapters of your project: You must tell a little about each section
4. Describe the section you are going to present
5. After we watch this section, discuss problems or seek ideas for improvement

1. Theme:
a. Specific:
b. Specific:
c. Specific:

2. Chapters


3. Problems/ areas of advice needed:




CH. 1 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 2 THEME:__________________________________

CH. 3 THEME:__________________________________

SCHEDULED DAYS:__________________________________

I agree to work on my projects on the days indicated above. I realize that Mrs. Christian will check my folders every Wednesday and grade my progress. If I fail to work on my projects, I understand that my grade will be drastically reduced. Also, I realize that I am required to turn in my video log for my final exam every Friday. It will be returned on Monday whereas I will continue to change and update my project.

Also, I will check the blog daily to see any additions, requirements or updates for both projects. I will follow all project requirements indicated on the blog.

SIGNATURE:_____________________________ DATE:______________________

(There will be "down" days where you will have little to do on your other project. You will need to set up a work schedule with me. EX: Work on Final Exam on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Work on individual project Mon and Fri.)

-You will need to select a schedule and sign a contract before the end of the week.
-Again, you will have video checks on Wednesdays.

1. Students are required to create a 5 minute (MIN.) video entitled "All About Me" (You may insert your name in place of the "ME")

2. Students will select a theme that will be carried out throughout the video
3. 6 titles are required
4. Students must use 4 tutorials and 2 video effects.
5, Any transition combination may be used throughout the video
6. Any jumpy video segment or poor audio segment will result in a deduction of 10 points for each problem area.
7. Students will showcase three chapters of their lives.
8. Students may convert old videos, scan old photos (if you use photos, you must use the timing tutorial to assure that they go along with the video.)
9. Students are encouraged to record voice overs and utilize sound effects.

1. Students are required to turn in a working video log. This is like a script. You will outline each chapter and provide written details of any specifics that will be in the video. You will select audio and indicate song times....ex. 0:00-20 seconds. (Also, include highlighted lyrics for this section of the music)

2. Create your log in script form: Video/ audio/ details (Logs will be turned in every Friday)

3. Each chapter must have purpose

-The final exam must be exported before your final exam period ends.
-I will be in my classroom every day until 3:00 and I am here every Wednesday until 4:30
**You will need extra time, so please take advantage of this early start.
**We only have one scanner, you may scan at home and bring photos in on disc.
**Please see me before converting video that is not digital

**Final exam must be exported into a folder entitled "2008 FINAL"

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced